The Myth of Jewish Doctrinal Purity

Clement Pulaski
Daily Stormer
April 27, 2014

The synagogue is full of unbiblical practices.
The synagogue is full of unbiblical practices.

The Jews often claim that they practice the religion of the Old Testament and that their doctrine has remained pure throughout the ages, whereas Christianity on the other hand has been tainted with paganism. They further claim that because of their doctrinal purity, they are in a position to teach Christians about the Bible and the origin of the Church. Many Christians, especially those who consider some medieval Christian practices to be inauthentic and of pagan origin, are tricked into accepting this Jewish claim of doctrinal purity. However, this Jewish claim is completely false, and in fact, Judaism has been more polluted by paganism than any branch of Christianity.

Perhaps the most striking example of this pagan influence is the Jewish belief in reincarnation. Reincarnation is the belief that after death, the soul is reborn into another body, and this doctrine has been held by several different pagan religions throughout history. It is quite surprising to most people that many Jews believe in reincarnation, but I will show from a Jewish source that this indeed is the case. It is important to point out that this Jewish belief in reincarnation is not modern, nor is it found among New Age Jews who dabble in eastern religions while neglecting their own traditions. This belief is found among Hasidic Jews, who make up a branch of Orthodox Judaism. The fact that Orthodox Jews, who are known for their distinctive black clothing and strict adherence to traditional customs, should accept such a clearly unbiblical doctrine reveals how completely Judaism has been corrupted.

Chabad Lubavitch is the most prominent Hasidic organization and is often cited as the largest Jewish organization in the world. Its official website features an article by Rabbi Yerachmiel Tilles that endorses reincarnation, claiming that “reincarnation – the ‘revolving’ of souls through a succession of lives, or ‘gilgulim’ – is an integral part of Jewish belief.” Tilles dares to cite scripture in support of his false doctrine, attempting to explain the lack of evidence for his position by saying that the Bible “is a multi-layered document. Many of its deeper levels of interpretation are not readily accessible; and they may not lend themselves to obvious, practical application in daily life.” The only scriptural passage cited in the article is Genesis 38:8, which reads “And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother’s wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother.” It is obvious to anyone that this verse has nothing to do with reincarnation, but according to Tilles, the idea that the verse relates to reincarnation goes all the way back to the 12th century rabbi Moses Maimonides, one of the most prominent figures in the history of Judaism. Tilles also cites 16th century rabbi Isaac Luria and his belief that “every Jew must fulfill all 613 mitzvot, and if he doesn’t succeed in one lifetime, he comes back again and again until he finishes.” (The 613 mitzvot are a Jewish codification of the commandments of the Old Testament). The audacity of using Scripture in support of their pagan views shows that these Jews have no respect for the word of God.

Any faithful student of Scripture can easily see that for centuries the Jews have indulged in the most shameless distortions of Biblical teaching. Many Christians mistakenly believe that contemporary Judaism is a religion that faithfully follows the Old Testament, making it a sort of Christianity without the Gospel. I have shown that in reality Judaism has failed to keep out doctrines whose pagan origins are blatantly obvious. Someone might object that although some branches of Judaism believe in reincarnation many do not, so it is unfair to accuse the Jews collectively of accepting this belief. While I do admit that many Jews do not believe in reincarnation, I point out that Hasidic Jews are accepted as Jews by the wider Jewish community, and that their belief in reincarnation is not considered sufficiently heretical to break ties with them. Apparently the Jews do not see the acceptance of pagan ideas as a problem of great importance.