The New Face of British Nationalism is Jewish

Destroy Zionism
February 28, 2014

Jack Buckby

The Telegraph says that “British nationalism has got itself a brand new face” – Jack Buckby:

Jacks says that last July, just before starting a course at Liverpool University, he became enraptured by the idea of “culturalism.” Absolutely, definitely not fascism (his website’s slogan reads, “Love Culture, Hate Racism”), culturalism is a non-racial philosophy

Buckby says that “I heavily oppose Nazism and I heavily oppose fascism.”

Vice calls Buckby “the boy wonder of the British far right”.

In an interview, he even compares “Nazis” to “rapist sympathisers” and “paedophile supporters”.

He rejects anti-Semitism, but complains about Muslims. Only “loonies” and “conspiracy theorists” have anything against Jews, according to Buckby.

Buckby is a supporter of Israel:

. . . certainly, the BNP’s take on Israel and Zionism are not only unpleasant, but entirely laughable. This is a party that represents ignorance and conspiracy theorists with regards to Jewish people establishing a homeland. Would you believe that it is not difficult to find people in that party who believe there is a global Zionist conspiracy to take over/control the world and kill the white man? I kid you not.

On his Twitter, Buckby says that “It [Culturism] recognises that a people make a culture, but also accepts it is possible for some foreign people to embrace a non-native culture.”

Conveniently then, his ideology is one that places itself on the radical right, but which embraces or at least does not exclude Jews. This all sounds very familiar.

What could motivate Buckby? It is already well known among British nationalists that Buckby has Jewish ancestry. Buckby’s Jewish grandfather was in the Auschwitz labor camp.

Is this just a coincidence? Here we have a person who on one hand has clear Jewish ancestry and is very well aware of it, and on the other hand he supports Israel and Zionism, rejects anti-Semitism, dismisses “Nazis” as “loony conspiracy theorists” and tries to peddle an ideology which, because it emphasizes “culture” (actually a liberal distortion of Western culture) over ethnicity or race, does not exclude Jews.

Are we just “loony conspiracy theorists” to see a connection between these facts?