The New Jew Inquisition in the UK: Joshua Bonehill Sentenced

Jez Turner
Daily Stormer
December 8, 2016


In Britain it is said that a new Jewish led Inquisition is under way. It started in France several years ago when the Jews felt their power was slipping with the rise of the National Front, and where professional anti-Semite hunters, wealthy private organisations, get a fat slice of any fine imposed on those caught. And now with the Brexit vote hysteria it has arrived in Britain.

This new inquisition is attempting to stop us thinking politically-incorrect thoughts. It is attempting to stop us thinking full stop. It is attempting to scare all those who would dare mention the word ‘Jew’ without the correct quota of slavish praise. Above all it is attempting to silence all those who would try to link the Jewish control of our nations with the planned and ongoing White Genocide in our nations.

The Enemy fears truth more than it fears violence. This is why they must shut us down.

Sticks and stones break my bones, but words will never harm me. But we’re not talking about ‘me.’ We’re talking about (((them))). Words. Words have power. Words are more dangerous to them than violence. Words undermine the legitimacy of the regime’s ideology.

Their ideology cannot withstand ridicule, rigorous questioning or the light of Truth. Cartoons, memes, songs, satire, blogs, vlogs must all bow down before the regime’s ideology of political correctness, they must all bow down before the regime, they must all bow down before those whom the regime serve, before those who are the regime.

Go to any court house and look at the day’s trials and the names of the criminals – names of Oriental, African, Asian, Arab, Jewish origin abound and the only European names you will see among the criminals are those who are standing trial for thought crimes. And there are a lot of us.

The liberals say that deterrents don’t deter criminals, but then undermine their own argument by doubling a sentence if racism or anti-Semitism is found to be a motivating factor, in the hope that this will deter racists and anti-Semites. Or is it the case that such people aren’t ‘real criminals’?

The liberals say punishments don’t reform perpetrators, but then spend their days and nights punishing those who tell the truth about Jewish power in the bizarre belief that a person punished for criticising the Jews will then as a result turn around and suddenly begin to adore the Jews. In the liberal world of make believe this may well be true. But no, not in reality. The more they persecute those who speak out about Jewish power, networks, influence and the Jewish agenda, the more resentment they will create.

Ian Millard

A rara avis, (a rare bird), a barrister who is willing to speak out in favour of White survival and against those: who fund and control the mainstream political parties; who own the banks, Hollywood, the mass media, the entertainment industry, the trade in precious metals and minerals, academia, the NGO’s, the secret societies, the pornography industry, organized crime, and gambling; who fund, promotes and encourage feminism, abortionism, transgenderism, multiracialism, mass immigration, cultural Marxism, atheism etc; in short who control the world. I could say who these people are, but if I did so I could end up being accused of anti-Semitism. Then I would have to find a non-Jewish lawyer to defend me. Oh, almost forgot, they also control the legal profession, which is why they have just expelled Ian Millard from practicing law.

Barrister who posted anti-Semitic tweets booted out of profession

Ian Millard’s Twitter

Joshua Bonehill


The jury at The Old Bailey yesterday took only 1 hours 15 minutes to find him guilty of ‘racially aggravated harassment’, how this can be when he never even harassed her is beyond me, but not for the average jury nowadays made up as it is of 12, not very, good men, women, indeterminates, and anything but, true.

He is facing a possible extra 2 years in jail for several writings and cartoons featuring Jewish MP Luciana Berger – one with the body of a rat, one with a baby with the face of African MP Chuka Ummuma, and one being spanked by Jewish MP David Milliband. Tame compared to Charlie Hebdo magazine standards.


It is moreover to be expected that a politician living lavishly off the public purse, and in the public sphere, and supposedly serving the public interest will be the brunt of a fair amount of criticism, some of it rather vulgar, some of it satire directed not just at their political choices, but some also directed at the underlying ethnic reason for the choices so made, and some yes ad hominem. But then it would appear, such standards don’t apply to Yahweh’s chosen, especially if female.

By the way the defending QC, James Palfrey, defending Joshua, ended his defence with the following:

Race is part of the political discourse and it is often dealt with in offensive ways…The provisions of free speech are there to entitle us to offend other people. … The defendant gave expression to a particular population of white men who have been left behind by Left-wing change…When people have nothing, all they have left is racial pride…There has been an erosion of their right to exist.

Well said and well fought, he lost, but well fought all the same. The London Forum will be sending him a bottle of vintage port for Christmas thinks me.

Daily Stormer’s Joshua Bonehill Archive

Yeovil’s Joshua Bonehill-Paine guilty of anti-Semitic abuse of MP Luciana Berger

Laurence Burns


Is on trial this week in Cambridge for various politically incorrect facebook posts and a speech he gave outside the US Embassy in London at a demonstration commemorating the life of David Lane, (a White man who died in prison for the crime of little more than being proud to be White), where Laurence allegedly said that Jews were parasites busy creating a mongrel race out of the people they rule.

Funny, I thought the Jews were proud of the new vibrant, enriched, integrated, multi-racial society they have ‘helped’ create? And as for ‘parasites’, well one has to admit, at the very least, that they were fairly late comers to the nations and civilizations they currently reside in and that they took very little part, if any at all, in creating them. He has had to run a gauntlet of (((Antifa))) demonstrators outside the court every morning and evening.

(((Their))) facebook posts have advocated violence against him, and encouraged people to follow him home and ‘do him in’. No prosecutions pending in (((that))) direction. His house in Cambridge is currently under siege, after his address was published by the authorities – compare this to the anonymity granted to the Jews funding the Brexit Legal challenge in the Supreme Court, London. Ditto for those behind the Community Security Trust and other such Jewish charities that spend hundreds of thousands of pounds aggressively pushing Jewish interests. One law for (((them))), one law for everyone else.

Cambridge extremist shared racist views on Facebook, Crown Court jury is told

Alison Chabloz

A talented English lady married to a Swiss man has several legal cases pending brought about by a number of private, but powerful Jewish Inquisitorial organisations. Her first is Thursday 15th December at Westminster Magistrates Court, 09.30am and this is (see robbersdog replying to Randal in the the comments section of Takimag here, and here), for the crime of writing and singing a song, (((Survivors))), making fun of several self-confessed imposters and fraudsters, whose claims to have suffered in the so-called Holocaust were found and admitted to be false and made only in order to obtain lucrative publishing contracts, film rights or merely for eliciting sympathy and the limelight.

How can you be accused of making light of someone’s suffering, if their only suffering was in their own concocted imaginations? Oh, silly me, I forgot, they are Jewish.

Dissident Musician and British Nationalist Alison Chabloz Arrested for a Song

#JeSuisChabloz – British Jews falter over a song – Alison Chabloz

Paul Pitt

Is to face trial for organising the perfectly legal and lawful ‘no more refugees’ marches in Dover. The authorities allowed 650,000 invaders into Britain last year, and a man who organises a demonstration against that treachery is put on trial?

Jack Renshaw

21-years-old is facing prosecution for two sets of comments: one at a private meeting of The Yorkshire Forum where in a debate he said something allegedly along the lines of Hitler’s major mistake was to show the Jews mercy; and on Blackpool beach in Lancashire to a pro-White rally where he apparently said:

The refugee problem is part of a bigger problem. It is a symptom of a disease. That disease is international Jewry. In World War Two we took the wrong side. We should have been fighting the communists. Instead we took the side of the communists and fought the national socialists, who were there to remove Jewry from Europe once and for all. That’s what the final solution was. We are pointing fingers at the symptoms, not the disease. Let’s cure the disease and all of its symptoms by default.

Isn’t removing Jews from Europe once and for all and resettling them in Palestine also what Zionists want? Zionists never seem to get prosecuted. Silly me, the Zionists don’t want all Jews to move to Palestine, they just want Israel as their safe bolt-hole HQ from which to rule the world, and if all Jews left other nations how would they ensure other nations didn’t get too strong and continued to behave themselves by keeping up the necessary flow of funding, armaments, favoured trading deals, grovelingly subservient diplomacy and wars in order to keep Israel afloat?

Neo-Nazi youth leader faces prosecution ‘after telling secret meeting that Jews should be ‘eradicated’ and Hitler was too soft’


You get the picture.

(((They))) are losing their power and so are lashing out. There’s a Jewish led inquisition underway. The show trials are in full swing and the gulags are filling up. We can’t rely on juries to reach fair verdicts or to have any common sense, wisdom, backbone or even the ability to think anymore. Throw them the lure of ‘anti-Semitism’ and they’ll convict a blind man of being a gunman.

We need committed clever lawyers to help level the playing field. We need more of our young people to become solicitors, lawyers, and barristers. If you’re at school and thinking how you can best help the cause, well now you know. It is challenging, varied, intellectually stimulating work. As a first step go along to any court and sit in the public gallery and watch a few trials – no phones, sweets or electronic devices allowed – better still, go along and support some of our political heroes and give them a smile, they’ll appreciate it. Laurence Burns is at Cambridge Crown Court this week, Alison Chabloz is at Westminster Magistrates Court on the 15th December. Correspond with our POWs/political prisoners. You’ll soon realise the vital part a lawyer can play.

You can dedicate your life to fighting for the Cause and get paid well for doing it. Legal qualifications and experience opens the doors to all types of top-flight jobs. Even your parents and girlfriend will approve. It doesn’t get better than that. Oh but it does, for once we’ve finally won you and prevented the genocide of the White Race, you will be made a Supreme Court Judge.