Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 31, 2014

Finally, our dreams are coming true. We have found a crowd-funding site to host the #PantsUpDontLoot billboard donation drive.
“Pants Up – Don’t Loot” is the White response to the Black chant of “Hands Up – Don’t Shoot.” The Black chant is based on the retard-level fantasy that cigar thief and gangster-rapper Michael Brown had his hands up and was begging not to be shot when Hero Darren shot him. Our slogan is based on the actual reality that Black men with their pants around their ankles are looting everything in Ferguson.
The IndieGoGo page reads:
Lamar Advertising’s digital billboard on St. Charles Rock Road right beside busy I-70.
The Lamar accounting executive of Saint Louis has AGREED to the billboard, and said the cost for one month will be approximately $2,500 (prepaid).
Unless the goal is reached, every cent donated will go back to the donators thanks to the ‘Fixed Funding’ setting.
More importantly, here’s the announcement on /pol/:

So, if you have a heart, throw down a few bucks to save the world from the Negrocalypse.