The One True King! Aragorn Eternally BTFO’s Nigger-Orcs at Movie Screening

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
November 10, 2018

Whenever I feel that our struggle is hopeless and that there is no stopping the kikes and their mongrel armies, I always turn to Lord of the Rings, and Aragorn’s example for inspiration.

And my King has never let me down yet.

Take this quote, from the scene of Boromir’s death in the film.

Boromir: The world of men will fall, and all will come to darkness, my city to ruin.

Aragorn: I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you I will not let the White City fall, nor our people fail.

And to that I say: I would follow you to the end, my brother, my captain, my king! 

Now Aragorn’s out there slaying niggers IRL.


“Green Book” actor Viggo Mortensen has released an official apology for using the N-word on a panel preceding a screening of his film Wednesday at the ArcLight Cinemas Hollywood.

Apologize? No, my friend, you bow to no one.

“I have no right to even imagine the hurt that is caused by hearing that word in any context,” Mortensen’s statement read “especially from a white man.”

News of the incident at the Film Independent screening of “Green Book,” sponsored by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, first broke online as shocked audience members tweeted the reactions to Mortensen’s use of a racial slur.

That’s right.

He’s one of us, now.

Once you cross the Nigger Rubicon, there’s no going back.

That makes him OUR KING, not THEIRS.

Still, perhaps he is in his Strider phase, still resisting his destiny. The apology he gave indicates that he isn’t ready to take on the mantle of the one true King of the White Race.

I’m fine with that.

What’s a good story without a redemption story arc? That’s what makes the best tales. The ones that really matter.

But he better hurry up with that.