The Ongoing White Genocide!

Daily Stormer
September 26, 2014

A well put-together short video that needs to go viral.

Though as the reader knows, I’m pretty sick of the “anti-racist is codeword for anti-white” business, given that it is so unnecessarily confusing, but here’s the YouTube description for the video:

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Nobody is saying Africa needs diversity.

Nobody is saying Asia needs diversity.

They are already 100% diverse.

Only White children in White countries are told that they need diversity.

White Countries will be 100% diverse when there are no White people left.

Diversity is a code word for White Genocide.

ALL White countries and ONLY White countries are being flooded with third world non-whites, and Whites are forced by law to integrate with them so as to “assimilate,” i.e. intermarry and be blended out of existence.

Those who support this genocide of Whites say they’re anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Again, the only people who are saying they are “anti-racist” are antifa themselves, who represent only a minuscule fraction of those supporting White genocide. The majority will say “I support diversity” or “I support freedom of movement” or some other such thing. Only obscure, fringe groups know the term “anti-racist.”

Anyway, great video nonetheless.