The Origins of the Diversity Myth

The Right Stuff
June 21, 2016


One of the first ways in which many begin to depart from the group think of the vast cucked masses is by ceasing to agree with the proposition that racial or ethnic diversity is somehow inherently beneficial—or even vital—to the health and ultimate survival or a civilization. Many reading this would probably agree that is the epitome of the racial red pill and the premise from which many other alt right and white nationalist ideologies stem. But what are the historic origins of the myth of “muh diversity”? TBH fam, I think this is a clear cut case of correlation being mistaken for causation.

Throughout history, virtually all advanced civilizations and vast empires relied on centers of trade for much of their wealth and (((elite))) culture. Whether desert outposts or port cities, these diverse, urbane places often existed as the centers of education and religious devotion—and perhaps more importantly wealth and socialite success—for the more homogenous masses of modest means from the countryside. Even those whose wealth was more tied to the inland agricultural heartlands of these societies utilized urban centers of commerce to buy expensive luxury goods and other symbols of privilege, status and sophistication.

By their very nature these settlements tended to be more racially and ethnically diverse as long distance trade networks necessitated translators, appraisers and those with access to foreign trade networks. In Ancient Egypt, for instance, whether a city was a desert Oasis such as Dakhla, which attracted Temehu traders from what is modern day Libya; a port city such as Thonis, which attracted Greeks; or an eastern metropolis like Pelusium, which was peopled in part by Persians and Semites; a person living at the time would certainly have noticed a connection between the presence of foreigners and the presence of wealth.

The problem is that, as is often the case, people tend to confuse correlation with causation. This common logical fallacy, known in Latin as cum hoc ergo propter hoc, or “with this, therefore because of this,” can be illustrated in many cases where the behavior and customs of the wealthy, educated and powerful are thought to possess their own inherent value, positively affecting the health, wealth or education of anyone who assumes these characteristics. Instead of the reality that, like hipster glasses or designer purses, these trends are mere accessories rather than the necessary accoutrements of civilization and high culture, many will assume the latter. In contemporary American culture, Basketball American Affirmative Action-aided academics such as Cornel West seem to exemplify this phenomenon by appropriating the appearance of a mid-20th Century academic a la Albert Einstein, while lacking in the intellect department, especially when compared to more serious scholars. Indeed, even West’s first name is a misspelling of an Ivy League school. Whether on purpose or by chance, his very identity exemplifies the full circle jerk of Diversity ™ Inc.’s magic thinking: Take a gibberish-spouting Dindu and dress him like some mockery of an East Coast intellectual—step three: profit.

It’s no wonder that modern day Americans and Europeans erroneously look at large, mercantile crossroads such as London, Paris, Rome, New York, New Orleans, Boston, and San Francisco, and Shanghai as the ideal that entire nations need to strive towards. The reality is that, while these places were indeed diverse in many ways, the diversity was a consequence of logistical and economic realities rather than as some mystical origin of wealth creation and vitality. Furthermore, the historic diversity of these places is, IMO, often exaggerated in the popular imagination. Most of the diversity was historically limited to the waterfronts and designated quarters of the city, and many of these locations regulated the inroads foreigners could incur within the larger society. Also, for all the wealth and culture generated in these alleged bastions of free trade and migration, it could more convincingly be argued that decadence, idleness, degeneracy and the ultimate decline of civilizations almost always emanate from these diverse urban centers.