The People Must Awaken if They Wish to Survive

Morgan Rote
Daily Stormer
December 6, 2014

Multiculturalism is good goyim. culturaly enriched D_2ef560_4803742

Day by day, and week by week, the collective conscious of all healthy peoples of the world is once more awakened to the mortal danger that threatens, literally, their entire existence. There are no People today who do not face this danger, and none will receive mercy, though the proud cultures of Europe and America have long ago earned the special hatred and focus of this most foul and anti-human group of monsters which has ever walked the earth.

Their past is corrupted and distorted as to bring only shame – and so as to erase all of the immortal heroism and selfless sacrifices of all of the great men of the past that once so rallied their peoples into sworn Communities and brought about unity from discord in ages past. Jewish scribblers are attempting to destroy the history of all proud peoples to render them defenseless and confused in the end.

Their future is likewise being destroyed, in every sense. Not only nations and states today see their right to life and their future survival in very uncertain terms, but the entire existence of the People of Europe and America is threatened with its complete physical, spiritual and cultural annihilation.

It is not for the first time in history that the dirty deeds, usurious swindles and dark machinations of a certain ancient Tribe have aroused the mistrust or aversion of their host Peoples; to even speak of these reactions as hateful is a purely Jewish lie, as they are nothing more than the most basic instincts for self-preservation and survival that a human mind is capable of conceiving. A man may defend himself or his family from a wild beast, it seems, but to raise their arms in defence of their own future is an act of hatred; or so the fraud goes.


For how many times in their storied past have the peoples of Europe raised the shield in their own defense against floods of foreign conquerors, to beat them back in the end and save their own existence? Was it all a continuous act of hatred throughout the generations?

Countless times they sustained great losses in wealth or human life, in doing so, but these sacrifices laid the foundation for the future life of their children; their children’s children; every native inhabitant of Europe alive today, and thus, all Americans. For if the great Peoples of Europe had not made the heaviest of sacrifices and fought the most severe battles, so many times throughout history, there would be no America today; or in any event, it would not belong to members of the White race.

The mortal danger which today threatens these same proud People is of a much different nature than the blatant, bloody invasions of alien hordes; it is far more insidious, and far deadlier. That understanding of this threat is so poor today represents the worst misfortune that has befallen the Peoples of both continents in many centuries, and it is more dangerous than at any other time in history for the same reason. It is much easier to combat a visible foe who does not hide his intentions to dispossess or kill you, than it is to wage battle against perfidious criminals who, like chameleons, attempt to blend into their surroundings and make themselves invisible to a casual observer.

But today, even through all of the libel, the perfidious slanders and distortions, the truth shines through once more. The Peoples of the world are rousing once more from this diabolical, demonic dreamstate which they have been cleverly and deliberately immersed into. No matter how much, or in what manner incensed Jewish liars or their Gentile lackeys attempt to tarnish and misrepresent it, truth is eternal; it will sooner destroy them than they will succeed in destroying it.

The force which compels our People to rally in their own defence is the holy commandment of self-preservation innate in all healthy peoples and cultures which exist, have ever existed, or ever will exist. It is this very same commandment that so enrages and so repulses the conspiring Ahasvers of this world: it is the only thing which is capable of effectively preventing their perversion and manipulation of a People from being effective; which is to say, deadly.

However, it is not enough that a few individuals understand this danger, no matter how intelligent they may be, or who they may be -the People themselves must awaken. All the harder one attempts to rouse the conscious of the Peoples to their impending fate, all the harder will one be persecuted and attacked -even physically; but nobody has the right to put a price on the existence of their People. Any sacrifice one must make today is worth no less than anything sacrificed by the men and women of old.

He who remains silent in the face of this vile attack, this attempted erasing of their own future, is committing treason against their People; they are selling their children’s future into the hands of inhumanly hateful Rabbis who desire nothing but to abuse and enslave them, if not to simply finish the job and get rid of them forever.

The People must awaken -or they are heading for their complete extermination.
