Daily Stormer
May 22, 2014

Here at the Daily Stormer, we have repeatedly attacked pornography and sexual promiscuity. This is because a traditionalist, pro-White movement can never succeed as long as our people are addicted to the sick fantasy world promoted by the Jewish sex industry.
Thanks to advances in information technology, pre-pubescent children are being exposed to explicit sexual material at an increasing rate, which prevents them from developing into fully healthy adults. When a grown “man” is so warped by pornography that he cannot form stable relationships or even get through the day without viewing perverse sexual imagery, it is unreasonable to expect that he will have the moral courage and responsibility to stand up for his people.
We therefore are glad to share an interesting new documentary film entitled The Porn Pandemic: The Devastating Effects on Children, Family and Society, produced by Family Watch International. The film does an excellent job at presenting pornography consumption as a serious social and psychological problem.
The producers of the film are not nationalists, so they naturally fail to point out the Jewish nature of pornography. They do, however, include a strong plea to ban pornography outright, which is encouraging. They avoid the libertarian pitfall of claiming that “responsible adults” can enjoy complete sexual “freedom” without incurring any negative consequences for themselves or society. Criminalizing the tools of subversion used by the Jews is the only way to return our civilization to moral and mental health.