Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 12, 2015
So the “Problem of Whiteness” course at ASU has been controversial, and things are heating up following actions by the National Youth Front. The course is taught by the SJW hater Lee Bebout, who has a vested interest in this given that he is the father of a brood of monkeys.

Rather than respond to criticisms and alleged death threats himself, Bebout sent an effeminate tattoo-freak named Robert Poe to publicly address the masses, angry at the Professor for attempting to incite a genocide against them.
From the school’s newspaper, The State Press:
Robert Poe, a justice studies doctoral student and faculty associate who said he wanted to respond to criticism of Lee Bebout’s course “U.S. Race Theory & the Problem of Whiteness” led the teach-in, formally called “The Problem of Whiteness 101.”
“Part of this is just to have a conversation,” Poe said. “I don’t have any long-term goals, but to have a conversation and to give voice in opposition to (those who disapprove of) the course.”
Posters criticizing the course and the professor as “anti-white” have been posted across campus in recent weeks by the National Youth Front, a white nationalist group. The group’s actions have encouraged threats against the professor, Poe said.
“He’s received both email and phone threats,” he said. “There have also been people directed through his Facebook page. … He’s had to deal with that, but I definitely don’t think he was ready to.”
The professor has received hate mail since the course’s first criticism by broadcast journalism junior Lauren Clark on Fox Network’s “Fox and Friends.” Poe said the segment and the reactionary group’s involvement has incited rage across campus.
“A regular white person (may see) this class being taught and maybe sees the Fox News piece on it (and agree),” he said. “They then start to vocalize their concerns about the course in exactly the same way the National Youth Front does.”
Poe said these reactions stem from a white fear of becoming a minority.
Lee Bebout, the professor of the “Problem of Whiteness” course, observed the teach-in without sharing his identity and said the lecture was a valid introduction to his course.
Fantastically, some people from /pol/ showed up and defended the faith against the evil which lurks and plots.
Here’s the video of the “conversation.”