The Races of Mankind, 1911

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 7, 2015

One of these things is not like the others!
One of these things is not like the others!

Above is a 1911 poster entitled “The Five Races of Man,” originally printed as an illustration for a Dresden-based magazine.  Because, yes, there was a time not all too long ago when people were allowed to acknowledge the existence of distinct races of mankind, which not only look completely different, but behave in vastly different ways, maintaining vastly different character traits.

Simply looking at this image, where the features of these races are accurately portrayed in an aesthetically pleasing fashion, we see that this idea of “race doesn’t exist” is utter nonsense.  It is akin to saying “dogs don’t exist, they’re all just wolves.”

Silly, stupid goyim.  How dare you attempt to classify these wolves along arbitrary cultural notions of "dogs."
Silly, stupid goyim. How dare you attempt to classify these wolves along arbitrary cultural notions of “dogs.”

The sixth race is the one which told us none of the other five exist, and that is the Jew.  The Jew is not actually a race, but a mixture of the different races (well, a mixture of the lower three – I don’t think he is mixed with Abos or Injuns).  Alfred Rosenberg referred to the Jew as an “anti-race,” and it appears that by its own nature as a non-race, it is inherently opposed to all races, and thus seeks to sow discord between them.

The funny thing is, it is only the European man which has accepted this idea that “race doesn’t exist.”  None of the other races on earth are so driven by idealism as to be willing to accept such utterly nonsensical gibberish.