The term “racism” along with accompanying terms such as “white supremacy” have been thrown around wildly for over a decade now.
Shockingly, the term “racism” has not really been defined in any serious way, but the implication of the term is that there are people who hate people for no other reason than “the color of their skin.” It makes little sense that anyone would have this emotion, but the number of people who do have this emotion, and why they have this emotion, is not something that has been investigated. We are simply told that many people, in fact all white people, have this emotion, and they must be stopped.
Many people investigating this phenomenon of racial strife all of a sudden becoming the most important issue in the world have pointed out that the mainstream media began using these terms profusely after the 2008 financial crisis and the beginning of the Occupy Wall Street movement, when the banking elite had reason to attempt to divide the population, for fear that right and left could be united behind an anti-banker movement.
The media began constantly talking about the threat of racism, and then the population, easily swayed as it is by media hysteria, began to believe that racism was the core problem in society. The charts seem to speak for themselves.
It’s a clever ruse, to be sure. Whereas the corruption of the banks and the government that works for them is a problem that could be solved, people having a secret emotional state is not something that can ever be solved. You can hunt for it for all of eternity. By redirecting public attention to this kind of spook, you’ve nullified the threat that they might join together in opposition to a real world problem which has a real world solution.
The fact that the media created a mass moral panic over this secret emotion of “racism” is fascinating, but despite what many on the right would claim, it does not tell the whole story of racial strife in America.
A Secret White Supremacist Conspiracy?
One of the things that the media racism promoters did was point out that black people are imprisoned at a rate much higher than whites. They also pointed out that blacks have a much lower average income than whites. What they claimed was that the only possible explanation for these differences in social outcomes was “racism.” The basic premise, which usually went unstated, was that “everyone is the same.” If every person of every race has the same ability, then if the outcomes are different, there must be some diabolical secret plot by white people to hold back nonwhites.
Unfortunately, those on the right refused to respond with the obvious explanation for why blacks and other races have worse outcomes than whites, which is that they are biologically different from whites, and therefore cannot be expected to have the same outcomes. If you are unwilling to state this obvious reality because you are afraid of being called “racist,” then there is no way to respond to the claims being made by the racism promoters. If all people are exactly the same, then it is simply a plain fact that if they have different outcomes, the only explanation is that there is a secret conspiracy against them.
However, it makes no sense that the different races would be exactly the same. They don’t look the same. They have drastically different histories. Why would they have the same intellectual abilities, or the same propensity for violence? No one has ever explained that, and instead, we are simply told that it would be very rude and hurtful to talk about it. It is anti-intellectual in the extreme to claim that because a truth is hurtful, it should be covered up, but even if you are extremely concerned about avoiding hurting someone’s feelings, could we not easily argue that the denial of the difference in races has led to much more hurt than whatever feelings would be hurt by acknowledging it?
Further, the claim that there is a secret racist conspiracy, that white people who are publicly so afraid of being called “racist” that they will hand over their entire society to a leftist mob are in secret plotting to hurt black people out of sheer nastiness, and moreover that it is impossible to discover evidence of this conspiracy, is a bit outrageous, is it not? Hinging your entire worldview on the theory of a massive conspiracy that cannot be traced is nonsensical, and yet this has been allowed because of the culture of silence enforced around the issue of racial differences.
In order to explain away the need for this massive conspiracy to hurt the feelings of nonwhites out of meanness, advanced racism theory came up with the idea that white people are racists without even knowing they are racists. They are programmed like Manchurian candidates by unspecific forces with an underlying desire to hate people for the color of their skin, for no specific reason. This seems even dumber, no?
Race is Very Obvious
People are aware that intelligent people tend to have intelligent children. They are aware that people who are tall tend to have tall children. They are aware that genetic traits are heritable. So, why then would entire genetic groups not share traits? Oh, but they do share traits. Africans have black skin, for example, a trait shared among their genetic cohort. They have larger, flatter noses, they have different shaped skulls, they are faster, they have more lean muscle mass, they have higher levels of free testosterone. If there is a white supremacist conspiracy to keep blacks out of the Ivy League, it seems there would also need to be a black supremacist conspiracy to keep whites out of the NBA.
In fact, the difference in skin color gives away the truth about the difference in intellectual ability. The biological pressures in Africa, where the sun is very hot, are different than the biological pressures in Europe, which was covered in ice for much of its history. Blacks developed dark skin because this is very useful for people who are out in the sun all day. The reason that blacks were brought over as slaves is that it was much easier for them to work in the sun all day on a Southern plantation, because they were genetically adapted to the sun in a way that white people are not.
In prehistoric times, before technology provided people with easy comfort, humans had to worry about meeting their basic needs for food and warmth before anything else. In a place without winter, you do not have to worry about freezing to death. Furthermore, food is very abundant, all year. What this means is that black people did not require the intellect to make plans to prevent themselves from freezing, the skills to stockpile enough food for the winter, when there would be no food available. If a person in Europe failed to make these plans, they would die, and be removed from the gene pool, and therefore only those with the intelligence needed to plan and implement a strategy to make it through the winter would live to see their genes passed on to the next generation. The European winter had a way of removing those with the lowest intelligence from the gene pool. Meanwhile, Africa had a way of removing those who couldn’t outrun a lion from the gene pool.
This should all be very obvious, and it should be something that a clever child could work through logically without having it explained to them, if they were asked to analyze why it is that black people have such lower average performance in a developed society than whites.
The Other Reason for Promoting “Racism” Theories
While the data about the media promoting the unsolvable issue of racial differences as a white supremacist conspiracy in order to prevent the solvable issue of elite corruption from being addressed is convincing, there is another reason why the media began promoting this artificial hysteria about racism when they did, and that is because during this period, there has been a massive push for whites to accept replacement immigration from nonwhite countries.
The amount of immigration we have witnessed in the last 20 years, virtually all of it from nonwhite countries, is totally astonishing. Under normal circumstances, no one would tolerate this, but the development of “racism” theory, of the theory that anyone who acknowledges racial differences is ontologically evil, has created a situation where whites are afraid to speak out. When they do speak out, they are left with flaccid arguments about how they are not “racist,” and they are not against being replaced with brown people, they simply are opposed to unfettered “illegal” immigration. This is obviously not true. The white people who are bothered by immigration are bothered for reasons relating to the racial differences of the people coming in. All of the Somalians, for example, which have flooded the US since the 1990s, were brought here “legally.” No one would prefer a “legal” Somalian to an “illegal” Mexican, and if there were such a thing as an “illegal” Norwegian, people would not be talking about an influx of Norwegians at all. Beating people over the head with images of “evil people” who “hate the color of the skin” has neutered the opposition to the agenda to racially replace whites with nonwhites.
Interestingly, it is the same Wall Street bankers, corporate elites, and government officials who wanted people to stop talking about elite corruption by burying them in racial hysteria that wanted to flood America with nonwhites in the first place. They have several reasons for this. The most obvious reason is that flooding the market with cheap labor drives down wages. If real wages had remained static since the mid 1970s, McDonald’s workers in 2025 would be getting paid close to $50 an hour, and the biggest way that these wages have been artificially lowered is by bringing in nonwhite immigrants from poor countries. A bigger and perhaps more esoteric reason is the drive among the elites to homogenize the entire global population, to destroy differences between people, in order to create a kind of singular world system. After all, if there are no demographic differences between nations, then what is the purpose of nations? We might as well have a single world system in order to prevent wars and abuses by “rogue nations.”
It is extremely unfortunate that such a massive and destructive social engineering program could hinge on something as stupid as the claim that “all races are the same and anyone who thinks differently is evil and wants to hurt innocent people out of sheer meanness.” But that’s what happened. And we’ve now entered into the final stages of this program, as whites are a minority in America and white children a minority in virtually every Western European capital.
People are Just Going to Have to Get Over the Fear of Being Called Names
In order to try to turn this around, people are going to have to become comfortable with being labeled a “racist” for acknowledging racial differences. There is no way we can fight back against this scheme to replace us without addressing the fact that no, all races are not the same.
It was encouraging to see the pushback against the Elon Musk plan to replace white American workers with Indians. There was a time not long ago when Musk simply explaining that these immigrants would be brought in “legally” would be enough to silence any conservative criticism of his race replacement agenda, but this time, people were willing to say “I don’t care if it’s legal, I don’t want those people in my country.”
That said, most people are still afraid of actually saying that brown people are incompatible with Western society because of their genetics, and it still feels like we are a long way away from that. But these things can change quickly. And with Trump really going hard against many of the sacred cows of the left, it seems that now is the time to slip through with ideas relating to race. Although the conservatives did go along with the “I’m not racist, but” narrative, being guided by so-called “Jewish conservatives” like Ben Shapiro, many of the ideas from the left that were adopted by the right are now being questioned, and there seems to be less fear of hurting people’s feelings as the situation becomes more and more dire for white Americans.
Most of human history has been defined by large scale physical violence, so it is truly harrowing to look at the last few decades in America when fear of some sort of “emotional violence” became enough for people to allow their children’s futures to be stolen from them. White people have become incredibly soft, and that will have to change if we are to reverse course as we spiral down the drain.
The hope is that the “anti-racism” that we’ve been inundated with for these past decades is mostly a hangover from the utopian ideology of the baby boomers, and that as younger people have more influence on society, this utopian thinking will start to fade away. In order for that to happen, however, people are going to need to be brave, and start injecting ideas about racial differences into the public discourse.