Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 15, 2014
…The threat is potentially hurting the feelings of Moslems.

What good will it do to not be hostaged and murdered by Moslems if in the end we hurt the feelings of Moslems?
No civilized society in history has ever survived after a person’s feelings were hurt by shouting or “sentiments.”

I mean, let’s get it together here, people – sure, no one likes being hostaged and held at gun point while they’re buying chocolates, but are you really going to hurt someone’s feelings just because they kidnapped and threatened to murder you while you were buying chocolates?
Instead of developing sentiments against them for that, why not ride with them to work?

After all, most Moslems don’t even believe in Islam. It is just a few bad apples that do.
Seriously, think about it goyim.
Is this really what you want to be – a mean old Grinch?
Look at these images of people whose feelings were hurt today because you said mean things about them, and ask yourself: who is the real terrorist?
The hostage taker?
Or the person who says something mean about someone just because they invaded their country and began taking hostages?