Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
August 25, 2017
You can take my Nazi beer pong from my cold, dead hands.
An hallowed institution of American high-school culture, Nazi beer pong, is under assault by an evil Semitic force out to wring out all fun and beauty from this world.
Nazi beer pong has been a staple of teen party games for years now. It’s an innocent drinking game replicating the cosmic struggle of Jews vs. Nazis at a table-top scale.
Who could possibly be against this?
Eight students at an Atlanta school have been disciplined after a photo revealed they played a “Jews vs. Nazis”-themed game of beer pong.
The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported the person who posted the photo, which shows cups aligned in the forms of the Star of David and a swastika, was expelled from the Lovett School. Five others were suspended and two more are forbidden from “co-curricular activities,” according to the AJC.
White boys having innocent fun? Into the cage they go.
Amusingly enough, they weren’t disciplined for underage drinking, which is obviously illegal, but because the game could hurt the feelings of Jews.
The prep school was tipped off to the photo by an Atlanta rabbi, Peter Berg, according to the Associated Press. The AP said the school’s headmaster, William S. Peebles, issued a letter to parents on Sunday explaining the expelled student “misled” school officials regarding his connection to the game.
“The fact that someone could even conceive of such a game, and then play it and think it’s funny is beyond words,” Berg told WSB-TV 2, an Atlanta television station.
Every. Single. Time.
What a relief that we have these good rabbis scouring the internet to make sure no goyim ever does anything fun or interesting. Otherwise, we’d have to do this crucial job ourselves, or worse – actually live carefree lives just doing our thing without Judaic moral supervision.
Wouldn’t that just be hellish?
But seriously, we have students being expelled from school at the request of Jews, for things they do in their spare time.
White boys, these Jews are setting up a future for you when your very thoughts are being monitored 24/7 by humorless rabbi who hate you. Is that the future you want?
I, for one, will fight for my right to play Nazi beer pong whenever I damn well please.