Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 14, 2015
As the readers is hopefully aware, much of the writing on this site is satirical. Some of it is even meta-level, as we mock both SJW beliefs and mockingly embrace their stereotypes of White racism is an often self-depreciating manner.
I am very proud of this aspect of the site, and feel that it makes it unique and interesting to read, as well as makes the arguments we present virtually impossible to argue with. You’ll note that even while this is the biggest hardcore right-wing news site, we are rarely confronted by the mainstream. This is because they fear our technique.
Conversely, for the left-wing, it has become virtually impossible to engage in satire or even basic mockery, as attempts tend to do so tend to not even make sense.
Take this political cartoon by SJW artist Ward Sutton.
It is not only not funny, but many of the examples do not even make clear sense.
The third frame (top right) is seriously embarrassing, given that I don’t think even most liberals are trying to forget Obama’s “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon” comment.
The fourth frame is just a fantasy, which makes it unclear what is even being mocked. Lynch was questioned on her support for the Garner debacle because it was seen as a political move denoting that she was yet another activist politician in a position that is meant to be impartial and that she would continue the practice of illegally using federal legislation against problems which are to be dealt with in a local jurisdiction. The only possible laugh to be drawn from it is from the cartoonists utter lack of an understanding of the situation.
The last frame is the most ridiculous, given that it is an obvious and statistical fact that Black youths commit dozens of times more gun crime than White youths. So in their attempt to satirize, they are presenting a logical position, where instead of laughing you are like “yeah, that old guy with the paper is on to something.”
The only chuckle is from the Rand Paul bit, but it is unclear why a pro-Black cartoonist would be attacking the aggressively pro-Black Paul.

For our part, we are having trouble doing satire because we have run up against Poe’s Law, which states:
without a clear indicator of the author’s intent, parodies of extremism are indistinguishable from sincere expressions of extremism. Poe’s Law implies that parody will often be mistaken for sincere belief, and sincere beliefs for parody.
Because the actual positions of the SJWs have become so hilarious, it is difficult to mock them. Often people swing through the site and see my satire pieces and think I am a genuine SJW. /pol/ trolls can now come up with goofy memes such as “#EndFathersDay” and the SJWs themselves don’t recognize them as satirical.
The left has literally become a parody of itself. And this makes humor very difficult.