The Roofster Wants His Lawyers Back

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 5, 2016


Bowlcut for life. Srsly. He’s telling the prison barber to give him a bowlcut. Gotta respect that.

So the court was like “yo Roofie – yall want dem lawyers der?” and Dylann was just like “nah, I’m botta do this solo” but then he was just all like “AYO HOL UP – lemme get dem lawyers back, dawg.”


The white man charged in the shooting deaths of nine black parishioners at a South Carolina church asked a judge on Sunday if he could have his defense team back, at least temporarily.

In a handwritten request, the defendant, Dylann S. Roof, asked Judge Richard M. Gergel of Federal District Court to return his defense team for the guilt phase of his federal death penalty trial, which is scheduled to begin in Charleston within days.

I would like to ask if my lawyers can represent me for the guilt phase of the trial only,” Mr. Roof wrote. “Can you let me have them back for the guilt phase, and then let me represent myself for the sentencing phase of the trial? If you would allow that, then that is what I would like to do.

Oh so he be botta switch it up then.

Okay, okay. I can dig it.

The request comes a week after Judge Gergel allowed Mr. Roof to represent himself, as court convened to begin the process of jury selection. Judge Gergel, who last month found Mr. Roof competent to stand trial, said Mr. Roof had the constitutional right to act as his own lawyer.Mr. Roof’s former defense team has remained his legal advisers but has sought to play a larger role in his defense, expressing concern last week that Mr. Roof may not present evidence that could sway a jury to spare his life — an omission that could violate the Constitution’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment.

What they be sayin about the Roofster, dey be like, “if the roof on fire, yall niggas best start runnin.”

Dylann Roof is also knowed by the names “Roofster,” “Roofie,” “D-Roof,” “DyRo” and “General Lee’s Revenge.”

Experts believe he will be found not guilty.