Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 29, 2014
Though I wouldn’t doubt that the people who run the SPLC do on some level actually believe in what they are saying, it is first and foremost an organization designed to enable incompetent people who are not capable of manufacturing anything beyond low-level racial hatred to acquire currency.
Yesterday, the SPLC ran an article on our anti-Jew sign-posting campaign penned by a Mr. Ryan Lenz, who bills himself as a “senior writer” for the hate group, and the utter lack of journalistic professionalism was virtually incomprehensible.
This, for example:
It is not entirely clear why Daily Stormer is targeting New Hampshire. A request for comment were not returned. (sic)
He sent me an email at 11:03 AM, and the article was published at 3:28 PM. Also, the email did not contain a “request for comment,” but a request to “talk about” the signs, indicating the conversation should take place over the phone.

As far as why the signs are being put up in New Hampshire, it is because that is where Lee Rogers, who is posting the signs, lives. This could have easily been inferred without my assistance if Ryan Lenz had even the most basic journalistic skills.
Not only does he not have basic journalistic skills, however, he doesn’t even have basic newspaper-reading skills. He credited me with the article, even while Lee’s name was at the top in the byline.
Andrew Anglin, who runs the site, wrote that by pushing Ransdell’s message, “we will eventually tear down the fear people have of discussing issues that have been deemed ‘politically incorrect’ by the Jewish run media.”
Anglin added, “Most importantly, this type of thing is fun and I guarantee that you’ll have a good time doing it.”
This is shamefully sloppy reporting. Gross incompetence, really.

As I am certain we are going to be working together again, Ryan, I would like to buy you this book, where you can learn about such things as bylines and subject-verb agreement. Just send your P.O. box address to, and I’ll get it in the mail pronto.
The Daily Stormer and the SPLC are both hate sites. One could certainly make the argument that the SPLC is a much more extreme hate site, as it is actively attempting to facilitate a genocide against a racial group, whereas we are merely asking for the right to self-determination, but let’s put that aside and focus on this point: the Daily Stormer is a vastly more professional organization than the SPLC, despite the massive differences in funding.
Where as I would be fully capable of running any large-scale mainstream news organization, Ryan Lenz of the SPLC would not be capable of writing for a high school newspaper.
It just goes to show.