The Stormer Report: A Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Radio Aryan
July 4, 2016

Happy 4th of July to our American listeners
Happy 4th of July to our American listeners

Lee Rogers and Sven Longshanks return to provide commentary on a number of news stories taken from The Daily Stormer and

Once again Andrew Anglin has had the ability to make financial transactions online removed from him. This is a cruel and unusual punishment, even the prisoners at Auschwitz were still allowed to purchase consumables at the work canteen, as the ability to trade is fundamental to human well-being. If this were to happen off-line and a bank was to refuse to take somebody’s money due to their politics, there would be an uproar and rightly so, yet because this happens online, the law has not yet caught up with it and the Jews can get away with it. You would think the same rules applied, but apparently not if your politics differ to those of the establishment.

Lee points out that this action of theirs highlights the extent of Jewish power, how a long line of payment processors have all crumbled before them and carried out their bidding. It is not ‘a canard’ that the Jews have undue influence in banking, they control all of it and this latest attempt to shut down the Stormer is proof of that.

After this we get an update on British politics post-Brexit, including a gradually emerging strategy to smear Gove, the only Conservative candidate who appears to have the ability to lead Britain out of the EU. The Tories are rapidly back-tracking on electing a ‘Leave’ candidate, possibly even going so far as to remove certain parts of Cameron’s resignation speech that promised us one. Lee gives us his thoughts on the Brexit and the recent protests in London against it, before moving on to the battle of Sacramento and Donald Trump tweeting Hillary with a Jewish star.

Also covered are the Brazil Olympic Games, which look like being an absolute catastrophe, with body parts being found on the volley ball pitch and faeces floating in the swimming pool. On top of that the country has declared a state of calamity, which is usually reserved for earthquakes or floods. Lee has been following reports on this for some time and is looking forward to seeing what excuses the Jews will use, to cover up the genetic imbecility of the mongrels that now control that country.

Finally we wrap up with our usual good news segment and the good news this week is that the lying weasel Elie Wiesel is no longer with us. The second piece of good news is that the Australian anti-Moslem party One Nation are now back in Parliament and could possibly be holding the balance of power. Lots to keep our eyes on over the next few weeks anyway and The Stormer Report will be back soon to keep you updated.

Presented by Sven Longshanks and Lee Rogers

The Stormer Report: Cruel and Unusual Punishment – SR 070416

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