Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 24, 2014
Last Friday, a brown man jumped the fence of the White House and rushed the place. The information that has come out about the situation since the event took place is bizarre, to say the least.
At the time of the assault on the Black-occupied White capital, 42-year-old Omar J. Gonzalez had 800 rounds of ammunition and two hatchets and a machete in his car, according to the Federal prosecutor David Mudd.
Gonzalez, who’s hearing for the rush on the White House has been set for October 1st, was involved in two recent incidents with the police.
In July Gonzalez was arrested in southern Virginia on July 19th after being chased down by police in his Ford Bronco and found with two powerful rifles, four handguns, other guns and a great deal of ammunition. He fled initially, weaving and driving off the road into a highway median, and was charged with evading arrest. Among the arsenal was an illegal sawed-off shotgun.
In his possession was also a map of the Washington DC area with both the White House and the Masonic Temple circled.
The weapons were seized, but if you’re non-White, running from cops and getting caught with a huge amount of weaponry and a map implying an intended assault on the capital does not warrant jailtime in America.
The second recent incident, taking place on August 25th, involved Gonzalez getting stopped along the south fence of the White House while carrying a hatchet. He has not arrested, the cops searching his car and finding no weapons.
Mudd detailed an Aug. 25 incident as well in which he said Gonzalez was stopped along the south fence of the White House with a hatchet. He was not arrested at the time. According to Mudd, officials searched his car but found no other weapons at the time.
Non-Punishment of Non-Whites Puts Us All in Danger
This entire situation clearly highlights the fact, which we here at the Daily Stormer have been stressing, that non-Whites are not held to the same standards of the law as Whites, and that this puts people in danger. In this case, the police refusing to deal with this weird non-White madman could well have resulted in a massive international crisis.
In America, though the “racism” card is certainly a factor, especially after the Ferguson cigar-thief debacle, there is also the more practical reality that if every single non-White during something illegal and/or insane was to be dealt with, the police would not have time to do anything else.
Gonzalez was apparently carrying a small folding knife in his pocket when he scaled the fence, sprinted the lawn and made it all the way inside the White House, which almost makes one wonder if this wasn’t some sort of conspiracy by Jews to use a crazy person to assassinate the President. However, given that the majority of the WH security team is likely non-White as well, and that he didn’t really have a serious chance of getting a hold of the President, I am thinking this is just extreme incompetence on the part of the rapidly degrading government.
A Kooky Bastard
According to a statement from the police, when arrested, Gonzalez told Secret Service that “he was concerned that the atmosphere was collapsing and needed to get the information to the president of the United States so that he could get the word out to the people.”
This implies that he may be an Alex Jones fan. The fact that he had circled the Masonic Temple on his map of Washington also implies that he was a conspiracy theorist, and that his strange attack on the capital was provoked by figures in the alleged “truth movement.”
Former neighbors have described Gonzalez as having a behavior pattern indicative of paranoid schizophrenia. Apparently, he thought he was constantly being watched by secret agents, another popular fantasy of those engaged with the conspiracy theory industry.
Gonzalez, a native of Puerto Rico and recently residing in Copperas Cove, Texas, spent most of his adult life in the military before retiring due to disability, which was probably mental.
Eject Them All
All of these weird immigrants, including Obama himself, should be deported immediately back to wherever the hell they came from. This bizarre incident highlights in the extreme just how sick and weird our society has become due to all of the alien entities residing in it.
We have been made into the joke of the entire world by these people. The idea that we are engaging in massive bombings across the whole planet but somehow incapable of keeping crazy people with knives from rushing what is supposed to be one of the most secure zones in the world is indeed sickly hilarious. If we still had a White country, there probably wouldn’t be crazy people rushing the capital in the first place, and if there were, they would be stopped instead of missed by a team of brown idiots.