Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 21, 2017
This is graphic and disgusting but stupid, filthy whores need to see it.
Abortion is absolutely murder.
Do you know that in every Asian country (except Westernized Philippines and maybe Islamic Asia), they count their age from conception?
The most hardcore abortionists recognize this, and so push for post-birth abortion, noting that there is really no difference. They are correct: there is absolutely no different between killing a baby that is outside a woman’s body and one that is inside a woman’s body.
What the Jews have done in the West is normalize infanticide for the express purpose of allowing stupid whores to go wild, to never have any consequences for their outrageous sexual behaviors.
Banning abortion would be a huge step towards getting these filthy skanks in line, and reestablishing the traditional white family.
And it’s something that Trump could genuinely help us out with.
Other simple things we can do to shut down whores:
- Change “sex education” to teach girls their virginity is sacred and they will be considered whores by men if they don’t have a hymen.
- Abolish family courts – naturally, without them, the law would give the children of divorce to the biggest earner , which in 98% of the cases will be the father (assuming he is emotionally stable, and he probably is).
- End “no-fault” divorce.
- Give tax cuts and/or significant no interest loans to couples who marry under 22.
There are many other creative ideas which are realistic in the present social climate. At least, we’re getting close to the point where they will be realistic.
Of course, we want WHITE SHARIA, but we also need to work with what’s possible.