Daily Stormer
March 27, 2014

Barack Obama and Pope Francis, two of the world’s most prominent jew-tools, meet today at the Vatican. Francis, who thinks that Christian love means laughing and smiling with people who despise God and wish to destroy His Church, will give America’s half-blood prince a warm welcome. Undoubtedly the two men will have much to agree on.
According to Time:
The focus of the conversation when President Barack Obama meets Pope Francis on Thursday is expected to be the gap between the rich and the poor. Obama has called income inequality “the defining challenge of our time,” and Pope Francis has made the plight of the poor the centerpiece of his papacy.
Another area of agreement is the non-white invasion of all White countries:
Francis…has emphasized the plight of migrants. In July, he visited the tiny Italian island of Lampedusa to call attention to those who have died crossing the Mediterranean from Africa to Europe. At the end of this month, a group of U.S. bishops is planning to follow the Pope’s example and perform a mass on the U.S.-Mexico border to draw attention to the immigration debate.
The mainstream press might point to supposed disagreements between Obama and Francis, such as abortion, but in the big picture, such disagreements are irrelevant. The key point is that if the Catholic church remains on the same trajectory that Francis has set, it will eventually reach full agreement with liberal secularism. Even if an institution remains traditional in some respects, as long as it is moving left-ward, it is useless, and a weapon in the hands of the enemy.
Although they work in different spheres and have very different personal histories, both men have used their positions to further the Jewish agenda, including the promotion of sodomy, increased third-world immigration to the West, and the ongoing deification of the Jewish race as a saintly people that can do no wrong.
The Jewish infestation of the West has succeeded at every level. If the Jew is not expelled, we will lose everything.