Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 2, 2013
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to stare directly into the fiery guts of Hell itself?
Well, now you can: portions of a private photo collection of the Gas-master baby-killer devilman Bashir Assad have been released.
Behold, ye mortal man, as ye look upon the true face of the New Hitler: Gas-master Bashir Assad, who kills children simply because he thinks its fun.
Could you have ever imagined something so brutal and demented as this?
We beseech you, Oh Holy Peace Prize Winner Obama, in the name of freedom, democracy and Israel, save us from this monster who desires to drag the whole world down to hell with him, as he plans a New Holocaust of chemical gas.
Eh, as it turns out, the New Hitler is in fact quite a bit like the Old Hitler.
A really nice guy.