The Trump Train is a Machine Built Without Any Safety Mechanisms Whatsoever

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 22, 2015

In our hour of greatest need, a champion has risen.
In our hour of greatest need, a champion has risen.

So, I never really thought I would ever be writing this, but it now looks like there is about a 50/50 chance Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States.

As Pat Buchanan recently wrote, it is going to be extremely difficult for the GOP to get another candidate nominated. They might end up doing it, somehow, but if they don’t, it is going to be the criminal Hillary Clinton on the Democrat side (unless the investigation intensifies and they have to go with Sanders), and I have a hard time believing that Hillary could actually beat The Donald.

No contest.
No contest.

It may well be that we have a perfect storm.

When I first came out and endorsed Trump, I was mostly doing it because I thought it was funny. Never did I expect that this Train would just keep on rolling. Things are different now.

Now, something incredible could actually happen: Troll President.

We are playing a role in this. A significant role. When I say “we,” I don’t just mean DS, but the entire internet troll community. These memes are having a serious influence on the general climate. Trump has been made cool, and many young people are actually going to go out and vote for him. I’ve never voted even once in my life, and I’ll be voting for him.

As we are playing a crucial role in a potential coup by keeping the internet energy around The Donald high, we need to be aware, and push ever harder.

The Reality Situation

We shouldn’t be overly optimistic about Trump, of course. He is not going to usher in a White Empire (even though at certain times the things he says makes one wonder if he might).

But let’s think about what he won’t do.

He won’t start a world war with Russia, as Hillary Clinton now says she wants to do.

He won’t allow completely unrestricted mass immigration, as all other candidates are planning to do, even if he doesn’t do all the deportations he is saying he’ll do.

Most importantly I think, he won’t shut down freedom of speech or pass insane gun control measures, both of which Hillary Clinton would almost certainly do in her second term.

That, and he might actually end up doing all of this stuff he says he’s going to do. He is a person with a personality, and that is something that the Jews cannot plan for.

The bottom line is that nothing bad happens if you support Trump, and a lot of good may potentially happen.

Trump Denialism

No matter what The Donald says or does – no matter how far he pushes things to the right – there are people on the internet who will whine and claim that it is bad to support him. This whining is almost entirely based on the fact that his adult daughter is married to a Jew.

They don’t ever explain how that means he’s controlled by Jews, or why someone who was secretly controlled by Jews would be talking about Bush being responsible for 911, closing mosques, bringing back Christmas, deporting all illegals, stopping Islamic immigration, letting Putin deal with the Middle East, and on and on forever. Everything that comes out of this guys mouth is diametrically opposed to the Jew agenda.

I am aware that there are people who genuinely believe that everything that happens is a part of a Jewish conspiracy, and basically argue that reality doesn’t exist and there is nothing anyone can do because we are already doomed by omniscient Jewish superbeings.

There are also people who get involved in far-right politics because they think its edgy, and then fail to understand what edgy is, and so end up confusing themselves into a downward spiral of trying to keep on the edge of edgy. They will say “Donald Trump is on TV so he must not be cool – I’m voting for Hitler!”

Failing to understand is not an excuse for failure.
Failing to understand is not an excuse for failure.

Both of these are genuine useful idiots, who exist. I don’t know their numbers.

But their numbers are probably not as great as the number of people who are currently spamming that Trump is a part of some kind of Jewish conspiracy.

We do indeed appear to be under assault from a Jew intelligence operation, attempting to kill the momentum we have helped build. It obviously isn’t working. As Trump pushing things further and further, more and more people come out and say “well, I was skeptical at first, but I’m now starting to feel it – I’m getting on this train.”

I see a lot of Trump supporters, however, getting bothered by the fact that anonymous commenters are attacking Trump, and feeling like they need to explain the situation to them.


The situation became self-explanatory months ago. Really, it was from the beginning. If someone doesn’t get it, they are either incapable of getting it due to personal problems you have no influence over, or they are not getting it on purpose.

The only response these people deserve is a question:

What are you claiming the downside of supporting Trump is?

None of them will answer that question, because there is no possible answer.

The worst possible outcome is that nothing happens, but we still would have trolled the hell out of a bunch of cucks and SJWs, as well as demonstrated to the White majority in America that the possibilities do still exist.

Keep on Spreading the Message – And Make Sure You’re Registered to Vote!

The time has come to make America great again.
The time has come to Make America Great Again.