Max Musson
Western Spring
January 29, 2015
This article is perhaps a day late, but it will be some time before talk of the Holocaust subsides in the mainstream press, especially now that we are to have a vast new Holocaust Memorial Centre built with £50 million of taxpayers money in central London, to replace the rather unimpressive one that already exists in Hyde Park.
In the various concentration camps liberated by the Allies towards the end of World War Two, there were found large numbers of prisoners in a variety of conditions: many dead and in a semi-skeletal condition, showing signs of having succumbed to a combination of malnutrition and infectious diseases like Typhus and Typhoid; many also who were in a far more healthy condition, usually dressed in tatty prison garb and showing signs of having undergone forced labour for some time; and some who hardly seemed to have suffered at all.
The German guards captured when the camps were liberated claimed that the condition of the dead and dying was the result of infectious diseases that were rampant across the battlefields of Eastern and Central Europe and the result of food shortages caused by the intense Allied bombing and shelling of German supply lines during the final stages of the war. Later under torture in which the guards were beaten so badly that some of them died and almost all of them had their testicles crushed beyond repair, a number of them signed confessions in English, a language that they could not read or understand, admitting to the deliberate killing of incredibly large numbers of Jews and other prisoners.
Rudolf Höss for example, the one time Commandant of Auschwitz, signed a confession admitting to the killing of 3,000,000 people, when in fact, even the Polish authorities now controlling the Holocaust museum that Auschwitz has now become, only claim a death toll of 1,500,000, and the so called Auschwitz ‘Death Books’ in which the Germans meticulously detailed deaths that had occurred at that camp throughout the war, show a total of just 69,000 deaths, only 29,000 of which were of Jews.
Let us be clear about this, 69,000 deaths are still a horrific number but the majority of these deaths are shown in the ‘Death Books’ to have occurred during 1942 when a great typhus outbreak occurred and towards the end of the war, when food and medical supplies failed as a result of Allied bombing and the destruction of German infrastructure.
No-one will have been happy to have been incarcerated in a forced labour camp and photographs taken when the concentration camps were liberated show in many cases people who looked miserable, but as the photographs accompanying this article show, many were in good spirits and looked both healthy and well nourished.
Jewish groups and establishment historians maintain that there was a deliberate plan by the Nazis to exterminate the Jews, but such a plan does not make sense when one considers that the labour of inmates in the concentration camps was vital to the German war effort; there were hospitals for the inmates to care for them when they were too sick to work; they were allowed to organise music concerts in their spare time; there are large numbers of paintings and sketches made by artists while they were imprisoned at Auschwitz, and there is even a swimming pool within the camp, which inmates were allowed to use.
It is claimed that there were gas chambers at various camps used to gas large numbers of Jews — as many as 2,000 at a time. Yet there are no extant chambers that would have been capable of being used in the way alleged or that were large enough to accommodate such large numbers of people. The only working gas chambers that have been found were small chambers clearly marked as gas chambers by the Germans and used for the fumigation of clothes. It was necessary to conduct routine fumigations of clothing in order to eradicate the lice that spread typhus and typhoid.
The ‘gas chamber’ that is shown to visitors at Auschwitz was built after the end of the war, ostensibly as a replica of one that had been used by the Germans, but even then the design of this room makes it impossible for it to have been used as a functioning gas chamber. Furthermore, none of the remains of buildings alleged to have been gas chambers destroyed at the end of the war by fleeing Nazis, contain the residues that would have been left by the Xyclon-B gas.
When the stories of exterminations at German concentration camps were first spread, there were shrunken heads and lampshades allegedly made out of human skin and soap allegedly made from the body fat of dead Jews, and all of these items of evidence have long since disappeared and are not now spoken about. Those who question the established Holocaust narrative claim that this disappearance is because DNA testing is now available to establish the authenticity of the gruesome artifacts beyond doubt.
Whatever you believe about the Holocaust, there is now enough evidence accumulated by so called ‘Holocaust deniers’, such that any reasonable person would conclude that there is at least a case to answer, and that some at least of the horrific stories and accusations levelled against the Germans are either grossly exaggerated or untrue.
At this time therefore, when Jewish groups are campaigning to have so called ‘Holocaust denial’ made illegal, it is important that we retain the right to question what is presented to us as historical fact. Jewish groups claim that scepticism about some or all of the Holocaust narrative is ‘antisemitic’, however I would counter such claims by pointing out that the Holocaust narrative is distinctly anti-German and inimical to White people in general when one considers that the Holocaust is constantly cited as a justification for denying the rights of the nations of Europe to defend our genetic integrity in the face of uncontrolled non-White immigration from the Third World.
There is too much for us to lose for us to risk basing our actions on what could turn out to be Allied propaganda invented in order to justify the genocidal carpet bombing of German cities and in order to justify the nuclear bombing of Japan. My advice is to read the evidence put forward by both sides in this argument and then make an informed judgement.