Daily Stormer
July 21, 2014

Some crybabies have set up a petition on Change.org urging Twitter to shut down the hatespeech against Jews which has emerged as the global parasite continues its massive campaign of brutal murder in Palestine.
It reads:
There are a number of vile hashtags trending on Twitter right now, two of which are #HitlerWasRight & #HitlerDidNothingWrong. We urge Twitter to take these off the trending list permanently and take down all the tweets that support violence and genocide.
We believe these tweets fall under “Violence and Threats” and are against Twitter’s own Content Rules. If the powers that be at Twitter do not agree that hate speech falls within their current policy, we ask that “Hate Speech Against Protected Classes” be added to the list of content that falls outside of Twitter’s “Content Boundaries.” We do not believe hate speech is harmless, and we contend that leaving it up could lead to real offline consequences.
We also urge Twitter to suspend all the offending accounts who participated in these hashtag campaigns with the intent of promoting, and not criticizing, the message. They no longer deserve to have their voices heard in a public forum.
There is precedent for our request. On May 7, 2012, both Google and Facebook agreed to “voluntary efforts to curb hate content” in a pact with the Inter-parliamentary Coalition for Combating Antisemitism. Take a look at Facebook and Google’s YouTube and Blogger hate speech policies.
And finally, we hope this is just the beginning of Twitter’s efforts to take action against hate speech in general on their platform. Just as Facebook and Google realize, it is possible to support free speech while condeming hate speech.
To see some samples of the offensive tweets, simply do a hashtag search or read this Storify.
Highly effectively, a group of truth-tellers have flooded the “reasons you signed” section of the posting with hilarious anti-Jew trolling.
Mockery is a powerful weapon against these Jews. Possibly the most powerful. It is something that they have no ability to fight against.