Stuff Back People Don’t Like
April 14, 2015
Time magazine has put “three of the most profound words to enter America’s lexicon” – ‘Black Lives Matter‘ – on its most recent cover (April 20, 2015).
If “Black Lives Matter” were true, St. Louis wouldn’t need the “Put Down the Pistol” campaign to try and convince black people from shooting one another.

If “Black Lives Matter” had any veracity behind the so-called “three of the most profound words to enter America’s lexicon,” then the city of Cleveland, Ohio wouldn’t need the anticrime group Black on Black Crime Inc.
Every city in America with a sizable black population has a non-profit (often times more than one competing for local, state, and federal grants) dedicated to stopping the violence in the black community, but Time magazine doesn’t include this in their cover story. Or this important quote from Black on Black Crime Inc. (sounds like an organization working to proliferate and profit of crime directed at blacks…) Director, Art McKoy:
The most recent FBI crime statistics list Cleveland as the 5th most dangerous city in America.
“This is a tale of two cities. One is downtown that we love. We love it, but the other tale of the city is, the community is going down, down, down and crime is going up, up, up. There is no way, Scott Taylor, our city should be ranked at number five in the country with crime. It’s a shame,” said community activist Art McKoy.
McKoy, with the group Black on Black Crime, believes City Hall has forgotten about neighborhoods. He believes this summer could be a blood bath.
Officials at City Hall believe new FBI numbers due out later this year should improve Cleveland’s status.
“We have taken it on the chin in a few areas and rightfully so. When we see there is a flaw and there is an issue at hand, we need to address it and I think we do a very good job of that,” said Dan Williams, spokesman for Mayor Frank Jackson.
The Cleveland Police Union has one possible answer to lower neighborhood crime: Get officers back working a beat.
“We actually have introduced some ideas to get us back in schools and back in neighborhoods but you can’t do that if you are doing run to run to run,” said Union president Steve Loomis.
“… believes this summer could be a blood bath.”
Not because of white cops shooting unarmed black people, but because of armed black people using guns as a means to kill and maim other black people; acts of violence working to make large parts of Cleveland uninhabitable.
The same goes for St. Louis, where black pastors continue to tend to their violent flock by leading marches against violence:
St. Louis has seen lots of crime in the past month. From fatal shootings involving adults to even young children, no one has been exempt from the violence.
That’s why pastors and community members in West St. Louis gathered Saturday morning for a march to end gun violence. About 50 people came out for the event.
Many called it a march for peace.“It’s a wakeup call for us to understand that it’s really real out here,” said Felicia Reece who added that her two sons were robbed last year at a gas station.
It’s a big reason why she supports the movement to end the violence.
“If we learn to work with one another, to help one another in the community, I think it will be a better place,” she said.
It all comes on the heels of a violent week, during “Holy Week,” the days leading up to Easter.
“There was a murder in St. Louis every night. From Monday to even Saturday morning,” said Rev. Spencer Booker of St. Paul Church.
Rev. Booker along with other pastors from African Methodist Episcopal churches throughout the community all agreed that the prayer walk is their way of putting a stop to it all.
“We’re showing we care and these are our streets and this is our neighborhoods and we plan on taking it back,” said Rev. Clinton Stancil.
“… the days leading up to Easter… There was a murder in St. Louis every night. From Monday to even Saturday morning…”
Black Lives Matter?
You want us to believe this?
Because the following programs wouldn’t exist if they did matter to other black people:
- The Memphis Gun Down Program.
- NOLA For Life.
- Baltimore’s Safe Streets (the motto: Stop Shooting. Start Living.)
- Indianapolis’ Your Life Matters Program.
- Indianapolis’ Ten Point Coalition.
- Milwaukee’s Homicide Review Commission.
- President Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper Program.
- Kansas City’s No Violence Alliance.
- Chicago Safe Passage Program.
Newark, Camden, Nashville, Charleston, Miami, Birmingham, Detroit, and Minneapolis all have similar programs to try and stop the bloodshed and mayhem black people are creating/maintaining across America… and we are told by Time magazine “Black Lives Matter.”
George Orwell’s three maxims of the party controlling Oceania in 1984 are:
War is Peace.
Freedom is Slavery.
Ignorance is Strength.
But these three word slogans forming the political philosophy of Orwell’s nightmarish vision for the future have nothing on the tyranny of our time: “Black Lives Matter.”
For these three words reinforce the notion all of America is now a Room 101 for all of those who can see.