The Tzara’at Spreads: Labour Suspends Jewish Activist for Implicating Jews in “African Holocaust”

Diversity Macht Frei
May 6, 2016


Jacqueline Walker, who claims her ancestors were Jews involved in the “African Holocaust”. Judging by her appearance, it looks as if they got a bit too friendly with their slaves.

This pseudo-scandal, which is throwing up some priceless drama, as well precious insights into the character flaws of various people, just keeps on giving. It is conforming perfectly to the concept of tzara’at, the Biblical “contagion” that afflicts those who engage in “wrongful” speech (link). It affects not just them but everything they come into contact with: the clothes they wear, the ground they walk on, the walls of their home. The only cure is social ostracism and abject repentance.

The biblical treatment of tzara’at was complete isolation: the person was to live outside the camp, cloak himself up to his lips, and cry out, “Unclean, unclean!”


The affliction has now spread to Jacqueline Walker, a Jewish Labour activist. Her crime: she claimed Jews were implicated in the “African Holocaust”. She failed to realise there is a hierarchy of victimhood and Jews must remain, undisputably, at the top.


As in the case of Ken Livingstone, there is some cold satisfaction to be gained from contemplating the history of the victim.

In a statement, she strongly denied being anti-semitic, pointing out she herself was of Jewish descent: I have been spat at and beaten by racists. I have marched against the fascists, defended minorities, am of Jewish descent as is my partner – Jackie Walker “I have been suspended from the Labour Party for allegedly anti-Semitic comments. I have been an active anti-racist trainer and campaigner for years, often in all white communities and in the most vulnerable situations. I have been spat at and beaten by racists. I have marched against the fascists, defended minorities, am of Jewish descent as is my partner. If they can do this to me they can do it to anyone.”


Yes they can, dear. These people are Robespierres who have ended up going to the guillotine themselves, anti-racist anti-European persecutors finally chewed up by the tyrannical machine they once served. But we should be better than they are and resist the Schadenfreude. European freedoms are being compromised by an alien power living among us.