The Ugly Truth About Puerto Rico Wanting US Statehood

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 12, 2017

What a bunch of sloppy, stupid, drug-addicted niggers.

We should force independence.

Good news is, I don’t think statehood is actually going to happen. Trump isn’t going to go along with it, and even Democrats don’t want to add a star to the flag, it’ll look totally non-symmetrical.

Ain’t nobody wants that.

On June 11th, 2017, Puerto Rico held a non-binding referendum on whether to become an actual state or stay an American territory.

While 97% of those who participated in the referendum vote favored statehood, only 23% of the territory’s population participated in the process. It was the lowest level of participation in any election in Puerto Rico since 1967.

U.S. Congress makes the sole determination regarding any changes to Puerto Rico’s political status. Puerto Rico is currently seeking the bankruptcy protections that statehood would likely provide – with $74 billion in debt and $49 billion in unfunded pension liabilities.

The Fall of Puerto Rico. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.…

Stef knows a lot more about this than I do.

I pretty much trust his analysis on this 100%.

I don’t really have any idea what’s going on in Puerto Rico.

It’s one of his super-informative power-point style shows.

You can also watch it in anticipation for the part where when talking about Detroit, he almost says “feral niggers,” but switches it up to “feral… people.”

He goes friggin nuts on Puerto Rican IQs too.

I think Stefbot is getting pissed.
