Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 9, 2015

Insane levels of Jew chaos continue to engulf the east of the Ukraine. Today, a chemical plant was apparently blown up by the Kiev coup government.
Windows were shattered and homes shaken in Donetsk after a huge blast rocked the vicinity of a city chemical plant. A Ukrainian MP praised pro-Kiev forces for hitting a target – but said they “don’t know what they hit.”
The powerful explosion took place at 10:50pm local time on Sunday. Local militia reported that a military chemical plant DKZHI was the target of Kiev’s artillery shelling.
Witnesses saw the sky lit up by the explosion, some nearby living residents had their windows broken by the blast’s shockwave and many others felt the ground shake, RIA Novosti reported. Even those living in nearby towns said they felt the tremor.
“The epicenter of the blast was near DKZHI,” co-chairman of the anti-Kiev People’s Front Konstantin Dolgov said on his Facebook page. The factory is known for producing chemical products used for industrial explosives, ammunition and equipment artillery bombs. This is not the first time the plant has been the target of a Kiev attack. It was also hit with artillery rockets in September and November.
The militia forces would not immediately confirm if there were casualties, either among militiamen or civilians. But they said the fire, which started after the explosion, poses no threat of a chemical spill, which is a cause of great concern at the plant, as it handles toxic compounds in producing explosives.
“The fire has been contained. There is not threat of chemical spill… Most likely it was a high-caliber artillery shell,” a local news outlet cited a military source as saying.
Ukrainian military deployed multiple rocket system Smerch (the BM-30 Tornado) to shell the area in the city, Boris Filatov, former deputy head of the industrial Dnepropetrovsk Region and a member of the Ukrainian parliament (Verkhovna Rada), said on his Facebook page.
Meanwhile, Putin is being attacked for again stating the documented and non-debatable fact that the West started this stupid war.
Ukraine’s crisis has been caused by the West, Russian President Vladimir Putin says, as he works on Franco-German proposals to end fighting between the government and pro-Russia rebels.
Western countries had broken pledges not to expand Nato and forced countries to choose between them and Russia, Mr Putin told an Egyptian newspaper.
This cannot be more clear: the US and the EU directly paid the Neo-Nazis of Pravy Sektor to go out in the streets and fight police. That is documented. Jew Soros funding both the 2014 revolt and the failed Orange Revolution in 2003 is documented. These facts are not debatable.
We have the Jewess Victora Nuland on the phone talking about planning the revolution and the new government. That was admitted to be a real call. Not debated. In no way controversial. So people who are like “according to Putin…” are simply lying to you.

And there is little debate on the fact that Pravy Sektor was responsible for the shootings which led to the rush on the Parliament and the final overthrow of the democratically-elected government of the Ukraine in February of last year. Technically it isn’t documented, but we have leaked recordings of an EU official from Estonia saying that the police who were shot were shot by the same people as were shooting the paid protesters. It is also a fact that the building the shots came from was controlled by Pravy Sektor. So all evidence points to the West/Jews doing the shooting, though technically it isn’t admitted like the funding.
On top of this, it is not debatable that the Malaysian Jet was shot down from the air. We technically don’t have an admission that either the West or the Jew Coup Government was responsible, but we have uncontested proof that it was shot down from the air.

Meanwhile, the BBC gives these numbers on the war scenario, from a UN report released last month:
- 5,358 people killed and 12,235 wounded in eastern Ukraine
- Fatalities include 298 people on board flight MH17 shot down on 17 July
- 224 civilians killed in three-week period leading up to 1 February
- 5.2 million people estimated to be living in conflict areas
- 921,640 internally displaced people within Ukraine, including 136,216 children
- 600,000 fled to neighbouring countries of whom more than 400,000 have gone to Russia
But German intelligence is saying the death toll could be ten times that.
The German intelligence service estimates the real losses in the Ukrainian civil war at 50,000 dead (civilians and servicemen), which is nearly 10 times higher than reported by the Kiev authorities, German media report.
The information comes from a source in German intelligence, who spoke to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (FAZ) newspaper.
“Germany’s special services estimate the probable number of deceased Ukrainian servicemen and civilians at up to 50,000 people. This figure is about 10 times higher than official data. Official figures are clearly too low and not credible,” the newspaper reported on Sunday, citing its source.
What disastrous idiocy this all is. What complete lunatics these people all are.
What is even the purpose of this? The Ukraine has no economy. Having the Ukraine in the EU is a benefit to absolutely no one. Because they have no economy, it is obvious that they will never be able to pay back these new EU/IMF loans – they won’t even be able to keep up with the interest. So even on that front it makes no sense. Yes, they will be able to suck something out of them, but there is very little to suck, and it will ultimately lead to further financial instability across the West. Though it will probably collapse completely before the chicken comes home for roosting anyway.
The madness coming out the Ukraine is simply proof of the fact we keep pressing here on the Daily Stormer: the people in control of the Western world are completely unhinged madmen. Period.
The good news is, the Rebel Alliance is winning the war.