The US Lost the 5G Tech Race to China – Now They’re Turning to Violent Threats

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 24, 2019

It is simply incredible that the US has lost the telecommunications tech race to the Chinese.

We used to be the most advanced country in the world.

Now we are beat by a country that was full third-world just a few decades ago.

The level of shame is almost unfathomable.

This is what happens when you pour your entire national energy into multiculturalism and anal sex with men.


The US intelligence community is pushing for American dominance of 5G technology, citing “national security” implications if China gets there first. President Donald Trump has said US “cannot allow” such a thing to happen.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) tweeted out a reminder on Tuesday that if the US doesn’t step up the pace of 5G development right away, China will “own” the global 5G apparatus within just a few years.

“If we don’t deal with this now, 10 years from now it’s going to be too late,” Bill Evanina, director of ODNI’s National Counterintelligence and Security Center, said at a conference last week. “Three years from now, it’s going to be too late.”

Government officials at the April 16 INSA Spring Symposium were particularly worried about the risks of disruption, espionage and compromise of the Internet of Things (IoT), widely considered one of the major features that 5G technology would enable.

Four days prior, Trump had announced a major auction of the 5G spectrum, and said he “cannot allow” any country to out-compete the US in what he called the “industry of the future.”

“The race to 5G is the race America must win…. It’s the race that we will win,” the president said, adding that 5G networks “have to be guarded from the enemy. We have a lot of enemies out there.”

We have already lost the 5G technology race.

It’s over.

And we’re all out of continues.

Now we’re turning to military threats.

This is like if you lose a game of Call of Duty and then send a SWAT team to your opponents house to kill them.

I am sickeningly ashamed of my country.

But then I realize: this isn’t my country anymore.

We, the American people, are a stateless nation, living inside of an evil empire.

We are Amerikaners.

That is how we need to view ourselves.

We must disconnect our identity as Americans from the American state.

And I would personally rather be a stateless nation in an empire run by the Chinese than one run by the filthy bloodsucking Jews.