The View Jigaboo Says Trump’s Kike is Delaying Ape $20 Bill as a Dog Whistle to Nazis

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 24, 2019

Thursday on ABC’s “The View,” co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg (nigger), Sunny Hostin (nigger) and Meghan McCain (daughter of John McCain, worse than any nigger) claimed that Donald Trump’s kike Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s announcement that he’s delaying putting the nigger Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill until 2028 was a secret “dog-whistling” message to neon-Nazis.

Whoopi said, “The treasury secretary, little Stevie, said he’s pushing putting her on the $20 until 2028. He said it’s over concerns about counterfeiting and security issues. But I’m sorry, every time you hold up a bill you see the security strip, you see the watermarks. I don’t think that’s the reason, Steve. I think you’re not being upfront.”

Fatty McCain said, “I don’t think the American public believes him either.”

Fat old wop yenta Joy Behar asked, “Do you think it could be a dog-whistle to his base?”

Hostin said, “Yeah. I think so. I think so. I think so.”

Goldberg said, “I don’t know.”

Hostin said, “But if it isn’t, then I would like to hear from Republicans on this. I would like to hear from his base.”

Well you stupid bitch, I’m his base, and I will tell you that he probably just doesn’t want to be further humiliated by having his legacy also be connected to something as goofy as this. The orange man has enough problems with how the history books are going to view him.

I will tell you that Mr. Black Unemployment Numbers is not at all concerned with any of the views of his base, and is very happy sending them all to prison. He is sending RAM to prison for self-defense, he is actively hunting down other people who attended Charlottesville, he is prosecuting the Proud Boys for supporting him, and he is possibly going to give Julian Assange the death penalty for supporting him.

He has refused to stop the tech companies from censoring all of his supporters, including just normie boomers, and has said that he has no interest in protecting anyone’s First Amendment rights – especially not those of his own supporters.

He doesn’t dog-whistle his supporters. He uses a megaphone to shout “FUCK YOU” at his supporters.

The reason no one wants to touch this $20 bill issue is that it’s fucking retarded.

Who is this monkeyfaced bitch Harriet Tubman?

What did she do?

I remember hearing about her in my Jewish school curriculum, and I read her Wikipedia page when this came up originally, but I’m sorry, I simply do not understand the argument that she has a right to replace one of the greatest figures in American history, Andrew Jackson, on the $20 bill.

She was not a war hero, she was not president, she was allegedly a political activist and allegedly did something with the “underground railroad.” Well, I don’t feel confident that the underground railroad even existed. If it did exist, why is there no evidence of it?

And even if it did exist – who cares?

If it’s important to have a black bitch on the $20 bill then literally, Whoopi Goldberg herself has more of a claim to it than Tubman.

At least Whoopi was on Star Trek: The Next Generation, and thus contributed something substantive to our country.

Further, I would nominate Nina Simone and Billie Holiday.

That’s the closest any nigger females ever came to making me not hate nigger females, let me tell you.

If we were allowed to do male niggers (it isn’t clear if we’re allowed to do that), then literally any jazz musician, half of Motown, Mike Tyson and Eddie Murphy are all better choices than Tubman, and would probably pass through Trump if you submitted one of them.

Protip, niggers: The thing about WHITE SUPREMACIST NEO-NAZIS is that they don’t hate you individually, they hate you generally.