Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 30, 2015

In my last anti-feminist article, some felt that I was attacking or condemning women for being sluts and flooding the who place with monkeys.
To be clear, I was not doing that. I am actually such a misogynist that I don’t believe women possess conscious human agency; blaming them for their own behavior would be pointless from this particular philosophical angle.
That position seems to confuse people, so they claim I hate women. I don’t make it a habit of catering to people who cannot grasp simple things, but it is fair enough that a certain percentage of people are not grasping this, so I should elaborate.
Basically: Because a woman uses emotion rather than logic to make decisions, her decision-making process is 100% manipulatable by external forces.
I don’t think the core concept can be simplified beyond that.
To expand: In a properly functioning society, women’s emotional drives will, on the whole, line-up with what is good for society. In a Jewed-out society, where the media and ultimately the entire culture is controlled by diabolical kikes, they can be controlled like evil puppets.
Simple example: In a normal society, women would feel threatened by the monkey hordes. However, with the media painting them as victims who need protecting, and also sexual supermen who are thousands of times more alpha than cucked White men, they will ignore the reality that they are dangerous and instead side with them against White men.
They are Not Necessarily Wrong – Whitey has Been Cucked
It is the natural drive of the female to side with the stronger male. Fact of the matter. This is due to basic evolutionary biology. As such, the drive of women to flood the place with males they see as stronger is following a natural evolutionary pattern.
I said this in the last article – that men are ultimately responsible for the behavior of their women – but beta cucks missed that part and flipped out like “ZOMG TRIGGERED.”
Women are not the enemy. Losing patience with obvious shills who attempt to divide and conquer.
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) November 29, 2015
The point of encouraging disdain for women is that it requires men not to be cucks. You should obviously look at women as being below you, because it is a biological fact that they are below you. They exist to bear children, they are not creators, they are not actors in society.
As long as you consider them to be independent beings capable of independent agency, you are going to be a cuck, and she is going to be drawn to men – probably monkeys, given the present state – who will satisfy her natural drives by dominating her.
Race-Mixing Numbers
People will also be like “well, it isn’t that many women that race-mix.” I am not sure of the numbers, because there aren’t any statistics available, other than on marriage, and obviously most women who screw monkeys don’t ever marry them. I think we can get a good idea, however, just looking around. And it seems to me – after having looked around – it’s happening a fair amount.

The bigger point is that it will happen more. It is not a joke or a troll when I say that the female support for these “refugees” coming in is part of a sexual strategy. The men are seen as more dominant, probably because they actually are more dominant (on average), and women want this.
Obviously, you cannot control the behavior of dirty whores. And there is no actual point in getting angry with them either.
What you can control is your own behavior, and we should all strive to do that. To become more like Russian men, except not belligerent.

We are not going to get our women back by whining about their behavior. That is folly. Shaming them may be of use and probably is. However, the main thing is to man-up, to act like men, to condemn the foreign enemy and to be superior to this foreign enemy.
More than shaming the sluts, we need to shame other men. We need to mock them for their cuckoldry. We need to improve the race.
Men are the actors of history, not women. If women are out of control, it is the fault of men. And the fault of Jews. However, allowing Jews to run wild and manipulate our women shows fault with us.
The time is now.