Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 20, 2015

The Young Turks, who are more famous for having committed a Jew communist genocide than they are for their crappy YouTube propaganda channel, have posted a report attacking and laughing at Jimbo Boggess, the White deli owner who had to close his business after he was harassed for having put up a sign celebrating White History Month.
We see here just how much liberals, particularly non-White and Jewish liberals, hate working class White people. Long gone are the days when the Jew rallied round the working man as the “proletariat,” now they have a global proletariat – brown people – and any working White man with a small business trying to put food on the table for his family is an evil oppressor who deserves to have his life destroyed and may in fact deserve to be tortured or murdered, as they so often call for.
Hilariously, as is very often the case with their videos, virtually the entire comments section is against their view (most people only watch the channel to mock them, but hey, it pays the bills, huh Cenk?).
At time of writing, this is the top comment:

He must have some sort of complex wherein he has psychologically associated himself with his evil oppressors. Otherwise he would realize that whereas Black History Month is a celebration of the fantastic achievements of the Black race, White History Month is merely a celebration of pure hatred, given that Whites have never in history ever achieved anything ever and only want to make you think they did so that they can continue oppressing you.
Either that, or most Black people could care less if White people have pride in their heritage, and in fact have more respect for them if they do, and the real people whining about this are mostly all Jews, White liberals and brown people who have been employed by Jews and White liberals in order to pretend to care.
I’m not sure.
People should support the deli owner, Jimbo Boggess, by donating to his GoFundMe.