There are Still Over 1,000 Messages from You Guys I Haven’t Replied to – But I’m on It

So, I posted my email and my messenger app like a month ago and I’ve been trying to slowly reply to everyone. More than that, I’ve been trying to read them all, and then at least reply with a “thanks, bro” or whatever.

It’s important to me to do. There are still over a thousand of these left, currently. But if I haven’t responded to you, that’s why. Because it is really a lot of messages.

All of these kind words really mean a lot to me. I can’t even say how much they mean. When someone says “you changed my life,” that reminds me that this has all been worth it, and when it is thousands of people not only feeling this way, but bothering to send me a message saying it, it’s a deep hit.

But just so everyone knows, I am going through all of these. Several of them are from internet famous people, who I would want to prioritize, and some number of others are literally sending me news articles (please do not send me news articles). Frankly, I wish I had a way to filter these, but I honestly don’t. I could hire a PA to view these, but that would seem like a violation of people’s privacy, and also, some of you (not enough, quite frankly) are asking for private Bitcoin or ETH addresses, and I don’t really have a PA currently who I would want to put that responsibility on.

If Anyway Wants to Donate

You can contact me privately for a private, unique address. I just don’t know how long it is going to take me to respond.

You can also send Monero:


Anyone who doesn’t understand Bitcoin privacy measures or who is using an app like Venmo or CashApp or Coinbase needs to get a private address from me, or you will risk your own privacy and also get banned from whatever app. If you do understand Bitcoin privacy, however, here’s a public address:


Again, only use that if you know what you’re doing, and know your Bitcoin is not linked to your real name.

I’ll do another donation drive after I’ve gotten through more of these messages, when I have time to see who is asking for an address.

Also, if you have an old address I sent you, you can use it again. No one other than you has used it before (and a lot of you didn’t ever use them).

I’m writing less now, though I think it is ultimately going to be a lot better writing, but the site still costs the same amount of money to keep online. So everything is appreciated.

But the love is apparently appreciated more, otherwise I would just automatically delete any message that was not offering to send money instead of reading thousands of them.

Now, for the Important Part: Fasting Updates

So, basically, I’m on day 8 or I guess going into day 9 if we count the hours instead of the days.

Here’s the deal: after the first 7 days, you are not really tired anymore. I went to the gym yesterday. I didn’t do strength training, because that seems ill-advised, but I did a kind of woman’s exercise I guess you would call it, high reps with low weights. I also went for a pretty significant weight, though I don’t use a cellphone so I don’t know how long it was. Thirty minutes at a reasonable pace.

My message to fat people is this: there is no reason you can’t just do this for months on end. I could honestly keep this up for months without any problems. If I was fat. As it is now, I am going to stop on day 12 or 14, depending on what the scale says, because I never had the body fat necessary for this and I’m already losing muscle mass.

However, I guess if fat people could do this, they wouldn’t be fat in the first place. I have never understood fatness, other than as a kind of compulsive behavior. Which maybe I could compare to my own drinking, although most people who are fat also drink, so idk if that really helps explain it, and further I’ve quit or reduced drinking whenever I thought it was a problem. I obviously haven’t drank alcohol during this fast, and I’ve decided to push the alcohol free life out after the fast until the Easter feast, so another month or so. A bit more than a month.

So no, I don’t understand fatness, and I’ve largely decided that offering advice to the fat is a useless endeavor, because there are a billion obvious ways to stop being fat. The only advice I could give is psychological or spiritual, tell people they should have more respect for themselves and for society and God, as they are pissing in the face of the universe by abusing themselves this way. Because it’s not the same thing as being a drunk or a drug addict or whatever other thing, as when you are fat, you make it everyone else’s problem, you wear this sin on you everywhere you go, for all to see.

But yes, just to be clear: if you are fat, there won’t be any negative health effects if you just completely stop eating until you’re not fat anymore, and it’s really not that difficult, especially after the first 3 days and then especially after the first week. It’s just a matter of willpower, and if you are fat and don’t have the willpower to stop being fat, I can’t really think of any reason you should be alive at all. I don’t mean that in a mean way, I’m just stating it as a fact.

Fatness to me is the ultimate surrender, and I think the only reason it is not worse than suicide is that fatness is reversible, while suicide is not. But there is clearly more honor in suicide than in living your life as a fat.

Of course, I’m mostly talking about the irredeemably fat American. Many have an extra 15 or so pounds they’re carrying around, just because work sucks and sleep is hard and you have to eat easy food and various other reasons. It builds up over time and before you notice you’ve got these extra pounds. This is very easily solved by a fast. Honestly, that isn’t really necessary, and can just be solved with basic keto and “intermittent fasting.”

But I think fasting is more than just weight loss. I feel more joyful and at peace than I have in years, and I can feel that when I go for my health checkup, bloodwork and so on, probably a week after I finish the fast, I’m going to get incredible results that show I’m 20 years younger than I should be.

It’s also nice to not think about sex, I would say. Based on the data, I’m going to be thinking about sex more when the fast is over, because of what it does to the endocrine system. But it is a nice break.

Part of male health is that if you are healthy, you think about sex all the time. Nb4 “fat slobs constantly masturbate” – that, my friend, is not about sex. That is just using masturbation to release dopamine. Those fat wankers are not actually interested in sexual intercourse or they would not be fat. And when you are a certain weight, you just don’t have the testosterone to be motivated towards seeking sex.

Have I written about how pornography abuse has nothing to do with sex and is entirely about stimulating a heroin-like dopamine response in the brain? It seems like I would have written about it. It feels like I’ve written about everything. But yeah, if you have healthy testosterone levels, the impulse is to go straight Duran Duran.

Them niggas was so revved out they were running through the streets of Sri Lanka trying to find a piece of ass. They were running up to street kids, like “have you seen any pussy around here?”

What a strange video. The lyrics are straightforward, but when you’re watching the first half, you’re like “maybe the video director misunderstood and thought Stephen Duffy was hunting for some pajeet who scammed his grandma out of his life savings,” but then it turns into a sex thing later on in the video. The dark woman painted in the jungle that he’s trying to rape, but she’s got claws, actually does fit the song I think.

Otherwise though, the video really is baffling. It’s directed by Russell Mulcahy, who later directed Highlander, which is a pretty competent film. I don’t know what exactly he was thinking setting the video for a song about hunting for pussy on the streets of Colombo. He is gay, like Arthur C. Clarke who was roaming the streets of Colombo hungry like the wolf for young boys, so maybe well into production he was like “wait, Duran Duran is a heterosexual music group?”

(Did I write about Arthur C. Clarke? I can’t remember if I did or if I just meant to. Dude was a fucking sicko, and also is the inspiration for much of the current ideology of the WEF/transhumanist/globalist/wtvr, almost like a spiritual father of that whole line of thinking. A Space Odyssey is freaking epic, of course, but we can thank Kubrick for that, who did most of the work. Clarke’s novel was literally published after the film, an adaptation of the film. And the sequels, like all of his other books I’ve ever read, were total tripe. But he did do things like invent the space elevator. He was sort of a serious theorist for all of this transhumanist and space conquest stuff, so it’s not at all surprising he was a homo, calling in 9 year old street boys to play with his pet monkey and then ramming his other monkey into their anuses. Basically, a space elevator is the only way you could actually build a serious space ship, because you would have to build it in space because there would be no way to launch it if you built it on land, and the space elevator would be the only way to get enough materials to build it in space.)

But as regards normal human sexuality…

In real life, you could rape any woman you wanted if it wasn’t for the evil badge niggers. But if course, the whole planet is swarming with badge niggers, inhibiting man’s natural “right to rape.” But the women do have claws, they’re just, you know, metaphorical. I hate all of the old PUA lingo, but “shit test” is the term we must use. Women try to claw you with emotional and psychological attacks. Testosterone levels and a strong sense of self (the former is necessary for the latter) is what allows these attacks to be slapped aside, as if you were slapping aside her attempts to physically strike you. No man should ever be able to be hurt by a woman. Except his mother, because she hurts him when he can’t defend himself. The basic physical reality is that any man should be able to look at a woman and understand that he could grab her throat, flip her around, rip off her clothes and have his penis inside her in a matter of like, 5 seconds. At any point.

Not that you should do that. I mean, it’s fun and hilarious, but it’s illegal and immoral. It’s actually not super immoral if she’s an unmarried virgin and you’re planning on marrying her and have the money for the fine.

But in the days when Biblical morality reigned, we were not being swarmed on by badge niggers. So I’m not encouraging rape. What I am trying to say is that if you’re ever in a situation where you feel like a woman has power over you, you’ve seriously screwed something up, badly, because it is a basic reality of biology and physics that she doesn’t have any power over you. Unless she calls the cops. Because they do have total power over you and they can do whatever they want to you, including kill you or throw you in a cage and torture you.

But the point was… the point I was getting at before the Duran Duran thing… let’s see here…

It’s important to take care of your testosterone. Fasting, in every study, improves it. The other thing is diet, which is an issue that should be covered separately, but I’m very pro beef (grassfed). I’m not really on the dairy train. I know everyone is constantly talking about raw milk, and I’ve never had a regular supply of that to test personally, but the data on that is pretty mixed. I don’t mean the bullshit that you’re going to get like, a tummy ache or something and therefore it should be banned by the government. But just the general data. What I will say is that the fact that the government is so obsessed with preventing people from getting ahold of it does make me assume it is a miracle food, I just can’t vouch for it. I can vouch for beef. I think beef should be at the core of the diet, with some kind of healthy fish (preferably fresh, though that is obviously hard if you don’t live on a coast) at least once a week and probably twice a week.

The other obvious thing is strength training. There is no question that this raises testosterone. However, what I want to really stress about that is that you need to measure your strength against your body weight. That is what matters. Increasing your body weight in order to increase your strength is stupid and pointless and a sign of serious insecurity and mommy issues – or, it’s a situation where a shorter guy thinks it will make him more attractive to women. If you’re under 5’10” or whatever, you can be 350 lbs of solid muscle, and based on your physique, you will have less sexual market value than a lanky skinny-fat guy who is 6’1″. Going into this insane body building is a waste of time and it isn’t even healthy. It gets really unhealthy, actually. It destroys your body. In terms of sexual marketplace value, you would be much, much better off spending that time getting rich, because women actually respond to that. Always measure your strength based on your ideal weight, which is basically whatever weight you are when you have a flat stomach (not necessarily visible lower abs, but your “dick root” level with your belly button) and toned muscles.

I was watching some Game of Thrones episodes for some stupid reason, and saw Ramsay Bolton with his shirt off:

Obviously, his biceps are small (though in that photo he’s not flexing and he’s stretching his arms all the way out), but he’s got good tone throughout his body, the perfect amount of body fat. Good traps. Everything even.

If you watch the fight scene (which is bretty gud), you can see his back and the definition of his muscles when he moves.

I know a bunch of people are going to say he’s too skinny, but he’s actually basically the exact same size as the internet’s holy grail of male forms: Brad Pitt in Fight Club.

Brad’s got slightly bigger biceps, but he’s like ten years older than that kid playing Ramsay Bolton.

Here’s a secret they don’t tell you: everyone is obsessed with Brad Pitt in Fight Club because he’s dehydrated, which created the totally impossible muscle definition. This is just a magic trick. If you watch the film, and look at his arms and neck and even his face, you can see clearly he is not the same as in the shirtless scenes.

What I am saying is the goal of any diet/exercise routine should be fitness, not mass. Strength should be a goal, because strength training is probably the single best way to boost testosterone, but this totally and completely relative to weight and body fat levels. Ramsay Bolton in that picture above, or Brad in Fight Club, are going to likely have better testosterone levels than some lunatic body builder (assuming the lunatic body builder is not on drugs, which most of them are).

Again, women don’t care. Women want Brad Pitt in Fight Club and Ramsay in GoT. They don’t want a bodybuilder. Usually. But let’s refocus: all this talk of women and sex is sort of pointless. I talk about it because I know you’re all interested in it, but none of it has been particularly relevant since like 2008. At least if we’re talking about America or UK/Australia/Canada. Virtually all women are fat now.

What percent of women that you see out and about would you ever be interested in? Assuming we are respecting the totally and completely reasonable age of consent laws enforced by the satanic badge niggers. Ten percent? Maybe fifteen? And what percentage of men are in reasonable shape and/or wealthy or violent criminals or have some edge that you don’t have? The math is not in your favor.

Of course, you can find some woman, if you’re in shape and you’re making some money. But she will probably not marry you. She will “date” you for a while, then get bored, then just dump you like garbage. And if she does marry you, then what? She can divorce you at any point, for any reason or no reason, because there is no longer any such thing as a marriage contract (meaning that there is no such thing as marriage, technically), and you have no recourse. She can take your money, your house, your kids, just on a whim.

So the whole discussion is pointless.

If you want to roll the dice, go ahead. I’m not going to tell you not to. What I’m going to tell you is that the odds are not in your favor.

My advice is this: focus on yourself. Get healthy, get money, go to church and go to confession and take the Eucharist. Spend time with your parents, your siblings, your cousins. Cook your own food. Invite family to eat the food you cook. Do things you enjoy. Get into guns, get into rock climbing, hiking, whatever. Video games are fine, but do things other than video games. In fact, you should really set a timer on how much you play video games. If some new game you’re excited about comes out, I’m not going to judge you for no-lifing it for a weekend, but video games shouldn’t be a huge part of your life, certainly not the center of your life, but rather something you do for fun, to relax, maybe play online with old high school friends you don’t get to spend time with otherwise. (Unless you work in game development, then you’ve got a perfect excuse for being involved with video games full time.)

If you’re living like this, living for yourself, for your family, for God, and you run across a woman who seems viable (in real life not on the internet), get her number, go to lunch with her. Don’t be hungry. Or at least definitely don’t show it. Treat it as totally casual. See how damaged she is. Observe it. Don’t start asking her about how many niggers she’s fucked. Treat it like you’re mostly disinterested, you’re just willing to get to know her. Because it’s not you that needs to impress her, it’s her that needs to impress you. If you handle yourself correctly, she will pick up on that dynamic very quickly and adapt to it. See where it goes.

But if it ends up going somewhere, prepare yourself. Before marriage, hide as many of your assets as you possibly can. If you can’t get a second passport, hide it in crypto. Don’t ever let her know about whatever money you’ve got. Give her an allowance. If she asks about money, tell her “we’re fine babe, don’t worry about it.” Make her go to church and take it seriously. Don’t let her have friends that could potentially be a negative influence, meaning no single or divorced friends, don’t let her do “girls’ night,” do social events together with family and other married couples.

Obviously, there is so much more to say on that, but this thing we have here is already stretching the limits of my own established standards of labyrinthine meandering. Though I feel like we’ve covered a lot here, no? And it all does connect. It’s not really “stream of consciousness,” because at least in my view, that implies a lack of order, and I believe this is very orderly.

One might even go so far as to claim it is too orderly, and the coherence should be dialed down in order to make it more adventurous.

The Daily Stormer has always been staunchly pro-adventure.