There Can’t be a Civil War in Iran

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 4, 2017

Iran is claiming the protests are over.


We’ll see. I won’t believe it until I see it.

What I do want to say is that this situation cannot devolve into a civil war like in Iraq, Libya or Syria. All of those revolutions were fueled by some combination of Sunni v. Shiite sectarian violence and an extreme religious agenda. Yes, of course they were funded from the outside, but there was something there to fund.

In Iran, there is nothing to fund. These current protests are made up of university students (many of whom were probably educated outside of the country), women and people who are angry about food prices or whatever.

That is not a group that is big enough or cohesive enough to stay together as an organized protest movement for very long, let alone dig in for a real revolution.

The West also cannot bus in Islamic radicals to fight for them. Most of their Islamic radicals are Sunni, for one. It would be impossible to convince the local peasant population to go along with that as they convinced the peasant population of Syria to go along with it. If they somehow came up with a band of paid Shiite terrorists, how could they gain moral support to fight against an already officially Islamic state functioning under a form of Sharia Law?

Iraq, Libya and Syria had secular states that they were able to stir-up religious fervor against.

Then there is the very basic fact of numbers. Assuming university students, women and peasants could somehow launch a revolution, there just wouldn’t be enough people to sustain it.

In the Ukraine, the Russia-aligned President who was overthrown had only won election with a slim margin. Nearly half the people of the country – and virtually all of them in Kiev – had supported the Western-backed candidate.

Iran is nigh 100% Islamic, and 95% Shiite. There is no division to stir up, other than among a small minority of liberalized anti-Islamic young people who have been raised on Western media.

Point Being

The foreign powers who fomented this revolution had to have known that they couldn’t keep it going indefinitely. Because there is very little room for it to gain momentum. The peasants were no doubt horrified that what they thought was a food-price riot ended up burning Islamic religious buildings.

Maybe the peasants went home already and the government has been able to crush the young people remaining. Maybe it is over as they’ve said.

But what I want to know is: what was the plan here?

The only way it would work to overthrow the government is if there was direct military intervention by someone from outside.

Assuming this does die down, it has already been a major news story and it is already in the minds of the Western masses that the Iranian people are rebelling against their government – despite the facts on the ground, which show clearly that this was a tiny minority in a country of 80 million people, most of whom were not calling for feminism or chanting “I want my MTV,” but instead just a ramble stirred up over food price of garbanzo beans.

If the idea is in people’s minds, then the next revolution attempt – based on what they’ve learned this time around – could result in a UN resolution and a bombing.

I’m thankful that Trump didn’t rush anything. It could be that Israelis, rather than the CIA, are behind this revolution and they are lobbying Trump to start bombing and he’s saying no.

Nimrata “I’ll Suck However Many Cocks I Have To” Randhawa is talking about an emergency UN meeting and the goal of that would be to get permission to start bombing.

But if the riots are cleared up and Iran can prove that before the UN meeting that the jig is up.

For now.

This will come back.

I have said I don’t expect the massive global war until 2019, and this situation hasn’t changed that.

I think that is the correct schedule. We are going to see all the pieces of it lining up this year, and then it will start sometime next year.

So enjoy 2018. I predict it will be the best year ever in history. I think 2019, probably not so much.