There’s a Pretty Good Chance You’re Gonna Get Hit with a Piece of the Chinese Space Station

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 28, 2018

This is the stupidest thing.

Why did the UN not order China to blow this up? They should have forced them to hit it with a space rocket.

Sure, the chances of it actually killing someone might be low – but the fact remains, the entire world is now forced to sit here wondering if they’re going to get hit with this damn thing.


The crash is imminent: The Chinese experimental space station Tiangong-1 will fall uncontrolled to Earth on Sunday (April 1), give or take a day and a half.

With a weight of 9.4 tons (8.5 metric tons) at launch, which occurred in September 2011, the craft will be one of the heftiest chunks of space debris to re-enter our planet’s atmosphere, according to the European Space Agency(ESA). Does that mean you’re in danger of being struck?

In two words? Not really.

“The odds of being hit are very small,” Marco Langbroek, a consultant with the Space Security Center of the Royal Dutch Air Force and Leiden Observatory, told [China’s Tiangong-1 Space Lab in Pictures]

Langbroek, who tracks spy satellites and writes the blog SatTrackCam, has been posting re-entry predictions for Tiangong-1 since March 13, 2017. “We should not overdramatize the dangers,” he said.

No one is “overdramatizing” anything.

We have a situation where we know for a fact this is going to hit somewhere on earth and cause a gigantic fiery/explody mess. And we all live on earth.

I’m not sitting around worrying about it, but I assume everyone who is literate and knows this is coming down has at least paused for a moment and pictured what it would be like to be hit by it.

Why are they allowed to do this?

Are they going to be sanctioned for it?

I hate the United Nations and think it is a completely pointless, useless group – but this is like one situation where it’s like “okay, I guess this is what the UN exists to deal with” and they do absolutely nothing about it?

But I guess this could do something good.

It could kill Jews.

And like, if it hit the black rock in Mecca, wouldn’t that mean that their religion no longer is valid?

I’m pretty sure that if that rock is destroyed, it means Allah is fake.

So maybe that will happen.

I just hope I don’t get hit, and also not my friends and family.