Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 13, 2015

The comments section seems to be working fine now, for the most part.
I have a bit of work to do to figure out the situation with the archive, but don’t worry: all old comments still exist, and will eventually be visible once more.
I have also not figured out how to make the correct number of comments show on the front page. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn’t. So for now, if you are looking to read comments, assume there are more on a particular article than the number tells you.
You can also now easily track comments using disqus functions, which you will be able to figure out easily.
I apologize that some people are having to wait for their comments to be approved. I especially apologize to The Dude, who was especially troubled by this yesterday. If you had a comment approved already, none of them should be held now. Whatever you do, don’t email me asking when your comments will be approved. They will be approved in a timely fashion, I assure you.
For those worried about security with disqus, you can either not use it or input fake account information. Or you can use a proxy, which if you are concerned about privacy I’d assume you are already doing.
I personally do not care, but my views are obviously public.
The response seems to be very positive thus far. I’m glad people are glad, and I’m glad for myself that it makes running the comments section a lot easier.
Don’t forget to exercise your rights to up vote and down vote comments. This should, I believe, make the comments section a much better place for the casual comment reader who doesn’t wish to be bothered by a bunch of crap comments.