Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 27, 2016

Yesterday was Holocaust Memorial Day, an international day devoted to the idiotic fantasy story that Adolf Hitler gassed millions of Jews in wooden death chambers.
The Jews like to sex-up this celebration each year with some headlines-grabbing bit of drama. This year, they released alleged documents from Adolf Eichmann.
Adolf Eichmann, an architect of the Nazi Holocaust, protested his innocence in a final plea against his death sentence, newly released papers show.
Eichmann told Israel’s president that he had only followed orders and was not responsible for “the unspeakable horrors” carried out against Jews.
Israel released the papers on Holocaust Remembrance Day. Eichmann was convicted in Jerusalem and hanged in 1962.
Yes, hanged. Like a rapist. Like all of the soldiers were hanged at Nuremberg.
The evil kikes got a good belly-laugh out of refusing their requests for a firing squad.
Marking the publication of the hand-written documents, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin said: “Not a moment of kindness was given to those who suffered Eichmann’s evil – for them this evil was never banal, it was painful, it was palpable.
“He murdered whole families and desecrated a nation. Evil had a face, a voice. And the judgement against this evil was just.”
Not a moment of kindness?
What about the swimming pool? The canteen? The medically-inspected brothel? The stage plays? The orchestra?
What about the sports?
We gotta admit, Jews: there were at least a few moments of kindness is this whole Holocaust business.
The papers reveal that Eichmann believed the Israeli judges who oversaw his trial had “made a fundamental mistake in that they are not able to empathise with the time and situation in which I found myself during the war years”.
He attempted to absolve himself of blame, telling Israel’s then-President Yitzhak Ben-Zvi: “It is not true… that I myself was a persecutor in the pursuit of the Jews… but only ever acted ‘by order of’.”
“I detest as the greatest of crimes the horrors which were perpetrated against the Jews and think it right that the initiators of these terrible deeds will stand trial before the law now and in the future,” he wrote.
However, he added: “I was not a responsible leader, and as such do not feel myself guilty.”
This is obviously fake for a number of reasons, the most prominent reason of which being that there is literally no way Eichmann was naive enough to believe that the Jews would show mercy on him. He knew these people well. There is no way he would lower himself to begging for his life while knowing he was going to be murdered anyway.
The Jews illegally kidnapped him from Argentina, creating an international incident. Then they staged a massive show-trial. The idea that they would be like “oh okay, you can live” after all that is nonsensical.
These fake documents have been released merely to further insult the Great Eichmann as well as the Third Reich on the whole. Jews will never stop doing that.
Eichmann was a cool cat. He used the monkey trial to “admit his guilt” by making outrageous statements, giving accounts of things that were physically impossible. Famously, he said that there were “fountains of blood squirting up out of the ground,” which is physically impossible. It is clear that he made these statements so that later (that is, right now) we could go back and understand that he never admitted anything, but that he hoaxed the Jews with easily discredited nonsense.
Other Nazis who testified as having witnessed this hoax gave similarly impossible accounts, which the Jews reported as unquestionable fact. Much of this is covered in the excellent – and now classic – Holo-denial documentary 1/3 of the Holocaust.
If you’ve never seen it, I promise you, it’s worth 4 hours of your life.