Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 1, 2015

When I hear about the plight of innocent and vulnerable refugees, I feel an earthquake rumble through my very soul, as my heart splits down the middle and collapses into billowing dust.
Can you imagine the feeling of being cold in winter time? Can you imagine feeling that icy air in your lungs, and getting chapped lips?
Can you put yourself in the position of a 25-year-old male who can’t get enough welfare money to make him feel joy?
Never you could. Not one of us could ever begin to imagine the suffering of these innocents.
Latvia, which has a population of roughly two million, is gearing up to accept hundreds of refugees as part of a quota agreed by diplomats in Brussels.
But those who have arrived in the tiny Baltic state say the cold weather, lack of generous state handouts and relatively low number of fellow migrants who speak the same language have combined to make their experience of life in Europe thoroughly miserable.One refugee worker told German newspaper Die Welt: “The refugees from southern countries tell us openly: Latvia is not our dream destination, we happened here, it was up to the smugglers.”
Can you open up your heart, racists, and give these people more free money? Can you search your soul, and decide to make the weather warmed in Europe, maybe using some kind of system of space lasers, so that these people will feel more at home?
Or is your heart truly as cold as December in Latvia?