These Talented Syrian Children will Pay Your Pensions – And a Lot More

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 7, 2016


A new batch of fresh Syrians have arrived.

Let’s meet a few of them.


Jamul Obijadajo: Robotics engineer and AI specialist, built an invincible army of androids indistinguishable from humans – and used them to solve global warming, build schools and alleviate hunger in developing nations


Muhammed Shindingo: Gene-splicing super-scientist specializing in human cloning – some claim that he cloned himself and is actually his own clone now


John Grabgigno: Super-surgeon, the first man on earth to successfully separate Siamese triplets


Ojubu Dango: Child genius and rocket scientist, landed his first probe on the Moon at the age of 11 – opened a portal to another dimension by age 13


The Timechaser: A time-traveling hero from the future, he is the only man alive capable of ensuring that the world isn’t destroyed by self-replicating killer robots from another galaxy


John Jazzmule: Nobel Prize-winning mathematician, believed to have unraveled the equation for the production of matter from nothingness (no one knows if he’s really done it, because only he has the ability to understand the equations)


Soju Mugaguju: Inventor of the positronic brain, has successfully transfered human consciousness to digital nodes

Every single boatload contains this much talent – and more.

These Syrians escaping the brutal civil war in Syria are going to make European economies LITERALLY EXPLODE.

Because White people are selfish and stupid goyim pigs, they have stopped producing children.

The time has come for a new breed of men, described by Lena Dunham as “better men,” to come in and take over.

But don’t worry, Whites – there will still be a place for you. You can still live and grow old. And when you get to the age of retirement, you’ll have these talented Syrians to thank for the fact that your pension fund hasn’t dried-up due to your own selfishness.

The brutal civil war in Syria, while sad (especially the barrel bombs which the Hitlerlike Assad drops on his own people randomly for no reason), is in many ways a gift to Europe.

We now have a magnificent future ahead of us.

Everywhere that we have failed, these men will clean up the mess and create something magical.

Can you even begin to imagine the brilliant new world these Syrians will build?

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