Julian Carmen
Daily Stormer
February 24, 2015

We’re all holding our breath in anticipation for the latest bit of Marxist Hollywood drivel known as ‘Focus’ starring yet another magic Negro and his sidekick White girl. The sad thing about this movie, other than it is a Burn Notice rip off, is there doesn’t even appear to be too many Jews at the top producing it. While Warner Brothers is the Film Studio, which has a long history of being Jewish, the production company was founded by two blacks, James Lassiter and Will Smith, and the directors, John Requa and Glenn Ficarra, don’t appear to be Jewish (although I have my suspicions about Ficarra).

Now I could be wrong, but if this movie is not even stacked with Jews at the top, then what this means is that these White producers are voluntarily making this Marxist race-mixing filth on their own. The directors are the same ones who produced the movie Crazy, Stupid, Love. It seems like they used that title too early, as the movie Focus could easily be called Crazy, Stupid, Love, which is exactly what race-mixing is.
The movie Crazy, Stupid, Love starred Ryan Gosling, who was the star of the movie Believer about a Jew who became a Neo-Nazi and then for no reason at all decided to once again be faithful to his Jewish past. The writer of Crazy, Stupid, Love was Dan Fogelman, who in his own words grew up in a “dysfunctional Jewish family” (so basically a Jewish family). So while Requa and Ficarra have some obvious connections to Jews, the movie itself is not blatantly Jewish.
The trailer to this movie is a bit confusing, and I can’t even say for certain what type of movie this is.
It seems like a typical spy gets burned movie with some sex and other pointlessness thrown in and a few Asian stereotypes (the only race that is still okay to poke fun at in Hollyweird for some reason, besides Whites of course). So if you are thinking about watching Focus, just get a Netflix subscription and watch all the episodes of Burn Notice, it’s a better waste of your time.
But what is more obvious about this movie is the Magic Negro and the doe eyed hot white chick. This movie is meant to show all us racists how wonderful and suave the black man is and how white girls are just falling all over them.
However, here’s a real life ‘Focus’ Hollywood won’t exactly tell you about. In 2013, an African monster named Tony Lamont Luther murdered his girlfriend and drew a heart with her blood. Notice the headline: “Man” fatally stabbed girlfriend. Well, I guess any “man” could have done this, right? But if it was a White man, the headline might have read “White man who was White, stabbed girlfriend.”

The article from 2013 conveniently forgot to mention that his girlfriend was white. A more recent article shows her picture. The murder happened in 2013 and yes, this monster is still alive today, only recently pleading guilty.
So here you have some heavy cognitive dissonance. On one hand we have Hollywood showing us the magic Negro and the White women, but in real life we have a slightly different take on the issue. Another incident involved the well-known story of Jessica Chambers who was burned alive by feral blacks and presumably also raped.

Here are two real life examples of the ‘magic Negro’ and there is a virtually infinite list of others. Yet Hollywood keeps reinforcing this strange obsession with race-mixing.
The liberals then say that White people are ‘jealous’ of black people stealing their white women, and claim we are envious of their manhood. Well, the size of the penis can never equal the size of the bloody heart. Liberals live in this Kool-Aid drinking universe where their logic is derived from feel-good fantasies and not reality. According to movies, blacks are suave and sophisticated and charismatic, so obviously if you oppose race-mixing, you must be jealous of the wonderful blacks.
Liberals also say that race-mixing is ‘natural’ if you love someone. This is why the media, movies, commercials, and everything else must constantly push race-mixing on us, because you know, it’s just so natural. No – something that needs to be constantly reinforced is not natural, hence the constant bombardment of the race-mixing propaganda.
Even if blacks did not so frequently murder their white girlfriends, race-mixing is unnatural for the simple reason that the offspring is neither white nor black. They won’t be as intelligent as Whites, and they also won’t have the same mentality as Blacks, so they will not fit in anywhere. They will be referred to as Black, but they won’t be Black.
For a Black woman, this might be a positive thing, because then she could imagine her children having more opportunities since they are part White, although the opposite is true: the world is handed to blacks on a silver plate just because they are Black, regardless of how incompetent they are. But the Black girlfriend/White male relationship is very rare, so this is not likely to happen. For a White woman to have a child with a Black man is just cursing their child to be less intelligent than they could be, and this is just wrong. It’s not about ‘love’ just as you can’t possibly argue that child abuse is somehow ‘love.’
And this is much worse than child abuse. An abused child could perhaps one day grow stronger from the abuse (at the expense of hating their parents), but a mixed-race child is born with a defect, and there is no indication that they could recover from this. Their only hope is to succeed by appearing to be black but only because they actually have the more intelligent White gene in them. This may be profitable for them, but it still leaves them with the realization that they are in fact living a lie, pretending to be black when in reality they are not. Now add to the fact that Black/White relationships often end in brutal murder, and you have another reason to avoid it.
There are White women who date Black men, but they are in the minority, so why is this even such an issue? Just like the gay rights movement, a small minority of people are gay, yet we have to constantly be reminded of their plight and horror. The same thing with Jews. Jews are estimated at 2% of the population, but make up a disproportionate amount in politics and the media. Blacks are a minority yet we constantly hear about them moaning about things like the Oscars being too White, which is only natural since Blacks are a minority. So we have a very small percentage of people who engage in race-mixing, yet this appears to be Hollywood’s taste of the week, and we have to be subjected to movies like Focus which appear to make it edgy while at the same time perfectly normal.
It is a tragedy when a White woman is brutally murdered by her magic Negro boyfriend, and it is the worst kind of child abuse to create a mixed-race mongrel child who will forever be lost to both races, but the real issue is how this affects a nation. Race-mixing is a hyper form of multiculturalism, and the reason that multiculturalism is so deadly to a nation is because races are instinctively different from each other. Whites for the most part want to be left alone and enjoy the fruits of their own labor without having to dish out 40% or more of their own earnings to worthless minorities.
Blacks, on the other hand, believe that it is the government’s job to constantly feed and clothe them and make them equal to everyone who is naturally better than them. It is a bit of a generalization, but in general, Republican Americans tend to be White, and Democrat Americans tend to be Black. Of course Democrats have White liberals, Jews, and Hispanics in their boat, but in general, we can see the political ‘party’ lines being nothing more than racial lines. This should be enough to see how it divides America and any other nation in two.
According to exit polls, a whopping 96 percent of Blacks voted for Obama (despite Obama being half-White, with some claiming half-Jewish). If 96 percent of Whites voted for Romney, and he won, we’d never hear the end of it. This is enough to prove that Blacks vote along racial lines, and it goes without saying that Obama has been terrible for White people, increasing welfare to the point where half the country is living off the other half.

Race-mixing is a more horrible version of multiculturalism. Instead of different races fighting with each other, the ‘Tale of Two Cities’ takes place inside one single human being. This will further reinforce the notion that “we are all the same.” The end result will be a total loss of traditional culture and identity.
The main problem with multiculturalism is that once immigrants take root in a country, it is nearly impossible to expel them. We hear this from our liberal opponents all the time, as they tell us to just give up the fight because Blacks are already here. Even if that was the right thing to do, why are we importing more Africans and Central Americans into this country every day? To say that we should let minorities stay because they are already here does not answer the question of why we are bringing more over. Race-mixing even further complicates the issue because you obviously cannot expel half of someone’s DNA from their body. This will further cement the notion of America as a ‘melting pot.’
Race-mixed children are more likely to support Marxist agendas like homosexuality, feminism, Jewish oppression, and Magic Negroism since they can relate to the suffering of the minority. Their personal feelings will influence their political decisions which will continue to erode the traditions of their host country. This will naturally be used as a weapon against Whites, despite the child being part white themselves. This is ‘poisoning the pot’ and ensuring that a nation remains damaged and without a solid racial identity. The final straw will be the rejection of race altogether which will be justified because the mongrel has no idea what race they represent. At this point the nation will have no racial unity, which is the only thing that truly unites a nation. This is evident based on the fact that Blacks and Hispanics constantly fight with each other, as do Blacks and homosexuals, Blacks and Jews (basically Blacks and everyone), and the tensions between Jews and Muslims. So just because a nation is a ‘melting pot’ of different mixed races does not mean they will suddenly love each other.
A ‘melting pot’ is by definition a schmorgesborg of conflicting elements, so the idea that unity could somehow come out of this is absurd. The only thing uniting the Marxists is their hatred of white people, but even that does not serve to produce anything positive or beneficial. Meanwhile in Israel, African Jews are being rejected as not being real Jews, and Jews in Israel are holding ‘Anti-African’ rallies.

So while the movie Focus will come and go as yet another Hollywood waste of time, the impact of the race-mixing propaganda will continue to ruin nations until every white person either flees in horror or is raped or burned to death. At the point the host dies, the parasite will also die, but that is not worth the destruction of the white race.