They Really Gon’ Run Dis Bitch Fo’ Da Prezidence

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
August 20, 2018

Who do the Dems have to run against DRUMPF in two years?


They can try. 

But no, let me tell you about the new contender: Kamala Harris. 

She’s got errthang she needs to secure the dems nomination.

She’s a woman – check. A brown person – check. Enough White admixture to string together a sentence – check. And she hates Whitey.

Check, check, check and check. 

The Hill:

“I think she finds herself in this moment in time where people are craving leadership,” said Debbie Mesloh, president of the San Francisco Commission on the Status of Women and a former top aide to Harris when she served as district attorney. “She recognizes that leadership is needed now.”

Away from Washington, Harris is beginning to lay the groundwork necessary to take advantage of her newfound stardom.

She has spent months on the campaign trail, for both incumbent colleagues and first-time contenders alike, raising more than $5 million for Democratic candidates and groups this year.

“The midterms are going to be a giant turning point, hopefully, for the country, and she’s doing everything she can to leverage what she can bring to the table,” said Sean Clegg, Harris’s chief strategist.

In the process, she has built an email list that would rival all but a very small handful of her potential rivals, a reservoir of potential supporters who could form the backbone of a presidential campaign. 

Hear that? A large email list is crucial to mass-marketing your bullshit nootropic brain-booster pills and to making a run for president.

I’ll file that gem away for later, for when I consider my Presidential run.

She has inserted herself into several contested primaries around the country, endorsing and raising money for candidates — mostly those of color — who do not always have support from their home-state political leaders.

Oh and she’s leading the charge to kick White Irish men out of the Democratic party. Very nice. 

She should team up with the Cortez chick – who can get it – seriously, I’d vote for her in a fluttering heartbeat too, especially over that egghead, ham-looking, Humpty-Dumpty cuck faggot Joe Crowley.

If the Jews were flooding our country with crazy-eyed cuties like her, I might not even object so loud.

But back to the old, wrinkly hag-bitch.

It is a risky strategy, one that could potentially anger the very Democrats a future presidential campaign would need to court for volunteer and financial support. But friends and advisers say Harris’s involvement is an effort to use her political capital, at a time when that capital is growing.

“Kamala is not a person who sits back and waits to see which way the wind blows,” said Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign and a longtime Harris confidant. “The fact that she has engaged in primaries says a lot about who she is as a person.”

like where this is going.

Harris has started to lay the groundwork in states that hold early presidential nominating contests. She attended a Washington fundraiser for Deidre DeJear, the Democrat running against Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate (R).

She backed former Rep. Steven Horsford (D-Nev.) and Aaron Ford, the Nevada Senate majority leader now running for attorney general. And her endorsements will solidify her hold on California, which plans what could be a deciding primary early in the 2020 process.

And those closest to her say Harris sees an opportunity to use her voice to support a more diverse roster of Democratic candidates — like gubernatorial candidates Abrams and Jealous, and candidates for Congress like Horsford, Colin Allred of Texas and Joe Neguse of Colorado.

“If you look at the types of candidates she’s getting behind, there’s a method to the madness,” one longtime Harris adviser said. “She’s always been helpful growing the bench of candidates of color.” 

You know, I probably shouldn’t be so eager to support this mud-woman’s run for the White House. I mean, I’m doing it based on the assumption that she will fail and in the process, balkanize America even more, as her anti-Whiteness wakes even more White people up to what’s coming: South Africa-style rainbow nation killings, except with Aztecs, not Niggers.


Americans voted in Obama.

And this Kamala has got about the same amount of admixture. She looks to be the same shade as Obama, despite being an Indian/Jamaican?

So I don’t know. Perhaps she could pull it off.


There was no meme-movement/troll army to combat Obama back in 08. There will be when Kamala makes her run. That might be the key difference.

If she wins the nomination, and I think she’s got a very good shot… well, we’re looking at even faster balkanization. See, the kikes’ masterplan only works if both parties are playing along. But with Trump on top, that’s no longer the case. Because of Trump, Whites have a focal point to flock to, to resist the kike’s plans to destroy America.

Balkanization and acceleration, when your side is prepared, isn’t the worst thing in the world.