Maybe some of you remember the “Alt-Right” or the “white nationalism” phenomenon of the 2013-2017 era? It was a psychedelic experience in a lot of ways. I feel like it probably had the identical energy of the hippy movement of 1965-1971: all of this enthusiasm and optimism, a feeling the world was changing, that a group of idealistic and romantic young people were rising up and would create a new world.
It goes without saying, or it should go without saying but here I am saying it: the content is different between a hippy love revolution and a neo-Hitlerian movement. I don’t know that the content is diametrically opposite, but it is definitely different. But I don’t think that has anything to do with the energy that the young people involved were feeling. And frankly, I think a lot of the people at Charlottesville in 2017 would have been at Woodstock in 1969. Revolutionary youth energy, and a desire to overthrow the established order and create a new one, is something that exists devoid of political context, and can be applied to any political context. It’s again not worth stating that the sort of ideals that the hippies represented were what people at Charlottesville were rebelling against, but the people at Woodstock didn’t know where those ideals would lead, they just had the energy and were standing against something they saw as old and rotted and in need of abolishing.
I’m sure a lot of the people in the right-wing would say they wouldn’t have been at Woodstock. I will freely admit that I know for a fact I would have been. I’m much older now. So much older than I was in 2015. I understand things better now. But I understand that at the time I was caught up in an energy, and wanted revolution, and the nature of the form of the revolution was based on opposing everything that the establishment represented.
In 1971, Hunter S. Thompson wrote of the hippy revolution:
Strange memories on this nervous night in Las Vegas. Five years later? Six? It seems like a lifetime, or at least a Main Era—the kind of peak that never comes again. San Francisco in the middle sixties was a very special time and place to be a part of. Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the long run . . . but no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world. Whatever it meant. . . .
History is hard to know, because of all the hired bullshit, but even without being sure of “history” it seems entirely reasonable to think that every now and then the energy of a whole generation comes to a head in a long fine flash, for reasons that nobody really understands at the time—and which never explain, in retrospect, what actually happened.
And that, I think, was the handle—that sense of inevitable victory over the forces of Old and Evil. Not in any mean or military sense; we didn’t need that. Our energy would simply prevail. There was no point in fighting—on our side or theirs. We had all the momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave. . . .
So now, less than five years later, you can go up on a steep hill in Las Vegas and look West, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark—that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back.
Anyone who was around for the Alt-Right period can read those words and see that virtually all of them apply to what those of us looking back feel about that time.
The wave most certainly broke on all of that energy that existed, and anyone talking about white nationalism or white revolution or any of this other stuff now comes across as deranged, unhinged, or as though they’ve just woken from a coma. Everything now is cynical. No serious person has any real enthusiasm about Trump, the future, or about anything really, and the politically savvy are calling simply for the dismantling of the American state or maybe the entirety of civilization.
I’m sure the above comments will make a lot of people uncomfortable, confused, angry, and so on. But that’s only because it’s all self-evidently true. The nonsense ramblings of an insane person don’t evoke emotion.
I’ve wanted to write more about that time in the middle twenty-teens, to try and explain what it all meant, but I don’t know that it matters. I feel like Thompson, looking back on it. I don’t know what it means. I know it ended in tragedy, for the same reasons the hippy movement ended in tragedy: the whole thing was hijacked by domestic intelligence agencies and turned into a shitshow.
The core part of the shitshow was filling a movement that was about youthful, fun, rebellious energy with costumed neo-Nazis. I think this is probably similar to the way the feds made all of the 1960s anti-war, anti-establishment energy about LSD and public nudity. There was a thing that the feds promoting costumed Nazism used to say: “The media is going to call you a Nazi anyway, so you might as well just dress up in a Nazi costume.” I don’t think it is necessary to explain why this is stupid, but it appealed to some number of misguided young men.
I’m not doing the daily news anymore, but I would assume most of you are aware that the second Donald Trump administration is currently going completely off the rails. I said when I stopped covering the news that there was no reason to cover the Trump administration because everything that was going to happen was stuff I already predicted before he was elected. This has been true, but it’s even more bizarre than I predicted. This shit with Elon Musk being Donald Trump’s master and making all of his decisions for him is inexplicable.
One of the memes that leftists came up with and have used for the last 10 years is that Donald Trump is a “used car salesman.” This is very unoriginal and it isn’t especially incisive, but they’ve said it a lot. Apparently, Trump has embraced the logic that “if they’re going to call you a used car salesman, you might as well just do car commercials on the White House lawn.”
He did that this week. A fucking car commercial. On the White House lawn.
BREAKING: As the stock market and economy collapse, Donald Trump is filming ads for Elon Musk and Tesla. This is insane. pic.twitter.com/zV1ETHxrpe
— Democratic Wins Media (@DemocraticWins) March 11, 2025
This is the worst optics I’ve ever seen in my life.
Is this intended to confuse people? Because I cannot imagine any other purpose. If we assume that Trump is willing to do whatever Musk tells him to do, which at least appears to be the case, we would still be left confused as to why Musk would be interested in these kinds of optics. The obvious explanation is that Musk is simply a low-grade moron, who has no sense of what is going on and is unwilling to hire advisors.
Musk is supposed to be doing a meme agency to get rid of government waste, with the stated goal to “get rid of the deep state.” But we’re not seeing firings at the Pentagon or the State Department. He’s not even talking about these things. Instead he’s firing park rangers.

Is the National Park Service the core of the deep state? Did anyone ask to shut down the National Parks?
Musk is now talking about abolishing social security and medicare.
That is not popular.
The budget is sort of a black box, but obviously the entitlements are a big part of it, but you don’t just cut programs that people are relying on.
Social Security was a lunatic communist program which never should have existed in the first place, but everyone has been forced at gunpoint to pay into this communistic scheme, so if you cut it off, you’re just stealing all that money. You would have to tell people they don’t have to pay it anymore, and refund their payments, with interest.
As far as medicare, this is also completely out of control, but so very much of that is the insurance companies and pharma, neither of which Musk is talking about. He’s just saying he’s going to take poor people’s healthcare away. Richest man in the world, by the way, running around on ketamine with a chainsaw, cheating at video games, doing car advertisements on the White House lawn, talking about colonizing Mars and putting computer chips in people’s brains.
Aside from insurance and pharma, the reason healthcare is out of control is because Americans are obscenely unhealthy. I thought we got RFK to deal with that problem, to make Americans healthier so we don’t have to spend hundreds of billions on managing obesity and other chronic disease? What’s he up to, I wonder?
Anti-Semitism – like racism – is a spiritual and moral malady that sickens societies and kills people with lethalities comparable to history’s most deadly plagues. In recent years, the censorship and false narratives of woke cancel culture have transformed our great universities…
— Secretary Kennedy (@SecKennedy) March 4, 2025
Wait, what in the fuck? How is this even real?
Is this somehow actually more decadent and depraved than the White House Tesla ad? Did anyone even think that was possible? Why is it possible?
I went ahead and submitted a report on the HHS site:
Dear Sirs and Madams,
I believe I may have been infected with the antisemitism plague of which you have announced has reached crisis levels. I am experiencing many concerning symptoms, including wondering if the mass slaughter of infants is really “Israel defending itself.” I even wondered why it was so immoral for Hamas to take a few hundred hostages while Israel is holding thousands upon thousands of Palestinian hostages, and started to feel concerned about Israel bulldozing people’s houses to steal their land in the West Bank. I try to remind myself that they are God’s chosen ones, so they are allowed to murder anyone and steal their land, but the thoughts that this appears immoral continue to persist.
I have even wondered about the Constitutionality of the Trump administration’s programs to outlaw antisemitic speech, even though I try to assure myself that hate speech is not free speech.
I have also begun wondering about the overrepresentation of ethnically Jewish persons in the banking industry, media, government, Hollywood, academia, and pornography.
At one point, I have even mused that BlackRock – which I concerningly identified as a Jewish organization – buying up all of the residential property in the United States was similar in effect if not form to the Bolsheviks, who I also concerningly identified as a Jewish organization, seizing control of private property in Russia in the early 20th century.
In a highly concerning action, I looked through the wars that have taken place in the last hundred years, and went to Wikipedia to find that all of them were instigated by Jewish people. I know this is a simple coincidence, but my thoughts keep returning to it.
I have even thought to myself that Volognomdor Zellienskiyy (sp?) seems to feel nothing when sending millions of Ukrainian men to their deaths because he is Jewish and therefore feels no connection to the people of the Ukraine.
Possibly most concerningly, I’ve noticed that the entire transgender system appears to be run almost entirely by ethnic Jews.
I don’t know how to treat these symptoms of the antisemitic plague. Please advise me on the current treatment regimen recommended by HHS so that I may cure myself of this disease.
I received a quick response, which I found to be slightly concerning:
Dearest Citizen,
It is extremely regrettable that you have been infected with the antisemitic plague. You are correct that all of your symptoms indicate that you have a serious infection of the antisemitism plague.
We are currently rushing through a genetic vaccine using mRNA technology which will cure the plague and prevent transmission. However, Pfizer is still processing the complex nature of the process.
Currently, we advise you to spend as much time as possible watching the Academy Award winning Schindler’s List and interracial pornography. If you go to the website pornhub.com, please search for terms such as “innocent blonde teen gangbanged by big black cocks,” and masturbate to these kinds of videos.
If you have two screens available, put Schindler’s List on one screen and the black-on-blonde gangbang pornography on the other screen. You should be masturbating to the interracial pornography while crying to Schindler’s List. Please make sure that you are not masturbating to Schindler’s List and crying to the interracial pornography, as this could actually serve to exacerbate symptoms of the antisemitism plague.
We have put your name on a list and as soon as the vaccine against the antisemitism plague is available, soldiers will be sent to your home to forcibly inject you. But for now, please do your best to manage your symptoms with the methods mentioned above, as given your advanced state of the antisemitism plague, it is possible that if your symptoms are not treated, you could end up throwing Jews into a cage with an eagle and a bear.
Sincerely Your Friend,
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
So, that’s those issues.
Is there anything that isn’t going off the rails?
Remember when we had all that energy the first few weeks when everyone was going to be deported and like, we were bringing back women’s sports or whatever?
Well, the deportation program has apparently been replaced with an app, where illegal immigrants are supposed to check in and say they are deporting themselves.
This week, we launched the CBP Home app with a self-deportation reporting feature.
Secretary Noem’s message to illegal aliens is clear: LEAVE NOW so you still have the opportunity to return legally and live the American dream. @TriciaOhio pic.twitter.com/rPONB2wvio
— Homeland Security (@DHSgov) March 14, 2025
So, uh. If you’re an illegal immigrant, you download the app and fill out a form saying you’re going to leave the country, then when you leave the country, you confirm that you left. The incentive is that maybe they’ll let you back in.
This is obviously more surreal moronism. If you are going to leave because you are afraid you’re going to get caught, you could always just do that. You don’t need to download an app. What purpose does the app serve? Obviously it’s just a PR move to manage the fact that that deportations have effectively stopped completely. They can now just say “yeah, we stopped rounding people up, but we have this app. We’re using technology to do things efficiently.” But what kind of person would believe this? (Frankly, I suspect a lot of them.)
What about the Ukraine war? That was one of the only things I was actually optimistic about. How’s that going?
Well, Trump offered a “ceasefire” and then announced he’s resuming weapons to the Ukraine. This is so sickening. Why would Russia do a ceasefire and allow the Ukraine to regroup and rearm? When they are winning the war? Obviously, there is no way they would ever do that, and Putin of course politely declined.
Watch how mad the Ukraine flag accounts are going to be over a Russia/Ukraine ceasefire and peace deal brokered by Trump.
They don’t actually want peace… pic.twitter.com/w1V595oLe1
— Gain of Fauci (@DschlopesIsBack) March 13, 2025
His bulldog declined less politely.
UK updates Trump: Russia should accept the proposal for a ceasefire in Ukraine without any conditions, says the British Foreign Secretary. Britain and its minister can shove their idea back up the sh*thole it came from, diplomatically speaking.
— Dmitry Medvedev (@MedvedevRussiaE) March 14, 2025
But no one in the Trump administration could have possibly thought Putin would agree to that, so the only conceivable reason they would put that out there would be so they could say “PUTIN REFUSED THE CEASEFIRE SEE HE IS THE BAD GUY.” Again, just more retarded nonsense for morons.
I still think Trump wants to end the war, but what is the explanation for this ceasefire charade? It’s completely indefensible.
Also, the economy is not really doing great.
Is it possible that OG MAGA is going to end up with literally nothing from this Trump administration?
I said: “Frankly, it’s mostly just going to be completely about Jews, but I think we can get an end to the Ukraine war, and a boost to the economy. Maybe a few other things on the side.”
It’s looking like I might have been wrong.
This is a completely unmitigated disaster, and worse, it is intensely weird to the point where I feel disoriented by every new piece of news about what these people are up to.
For the Record
I’m not against Trump the man, and I do hope for the best with everything. I’m not trying to be negative or cynical or hateful in my commentary here. I also think that there are some “intangibles” relating to the cultural shift happening which could end up causing meaningful positive change. That’s something I didn’t discuss here, but which does need to be discussed, and there should be some attempt to weigh the intangibles against the tangibles of the disastrous policy.
My position is that people need to be realistic and honest about what is going on. Not that they should be angry or negative. But everything happening right now is obviously ridiculous.
If Elon Musk were to go away, that would be a good thing. And it seems like that is possible. I also do believe that Trump is going to pump the market after he finishes the tariff threat game he is playing and gets trade deals renegotiated. Honestly, the economy doesn’t matter much in the larger scheme of things, but it might make some people’s lives easier for a while.
I also haven’t given up on the Ukraine war ending relatively soon. I still lean towards that being the most likely outcome. I think Trump and Putin get along well, they like each other and understand each other, and when they get in a room together, they could probably come to an understanding.
Of course, the reason that Trump’s staff and many Republicans are supporting ending the Ukraine war is that they want to pivot to the Middle East, so I would not be looking forward to an end to military adventurism. Trump is too old, he’s not on the ball, and personnel is policy and all of Trump’s personnel is useless.
My advice to you is not to worry about it, because there’s nothing you can do about any of it, so worrying about it is a pointless and self-destructive behavior.