Daily Stormer
May 26, 2014

Ben Garrison is on the attack, coming at internet freedom of speech, joining forces with Jews to try and shut it down.
As it turns out, he may be shilling only to hide his own extremist beliefs.
I received some hot tips by email, I’ll just go ahead and post the whole thing here.
Hey Andrew, since Zyklon-Ben’s been going so Kosher, a few of us on /pol/ have been digging for evidence that he’s actually “racist,” and believe it or not, we’ve found some…
-5 months ago Ben left a positive comment on a video of Hitler’s paintings. Someone noticed it and called him on it so he left another comment as an attempt to save face, however the first comment speaks for itself.
-At least three of his comics are obvious copies of one’s by A. Wyatt Mann. What makes things even better is that two of them were from 2009, long before anyone started trolling him so he can’t claim that’s how he heard of him.
They’re way too similar to be a coincidence… In fact some are speculating that Ben might have even Been AWM, while unlikely the fact that Wyatt Kladenberg denies being him does give the theory some credence.
-He refers to Fred Reed as “a favorite writer.” Fred often writes on racial issues and even spoke at an AmRen conference.
-He still links to Rense.com on one of his pages, and he described Rense as “a great alternative news site.” Say what you will about Rense, but he does post a lot of Jew-wise, Revisionist, and pro-Hitler content on his website. For example the video of Hitler’s art that Ben commented on actually came from Rense.com, it’s Part 2 under the heading “What Zion Doesn’t Want You To See: Adolf Hitler the Unknown Artist.” Ben is such a Rense fan that he subscribes to him on YouTube and entered his 2009 Halloween contest.
–This is an actual picture he posted on his Google+ account.
-He posted this on his Kikebook account.
That’s all of it as of now. Never forget that JEWS DID BEN GARRISON!!!!