Thieving Black Sadist Knifes White Pizza Delivery Guy and Pulls His Intestines Out

February 3, 2015

Mike Brenick “My intestines were hanging out”

Domino’s deliveryman Mike Brenick was stabbed on January 17 — as he brought pizza to his vehicle.

He noticed a man rummaging through his Nissan Leaf, which he’d plugged in out back of the store.

“I’m like, well I’m calling the police, and my phone dropped out of my pocket and it just went from scuffling to him stabbing me,” said Brenick.

The stab wounds — in his armpit, his forearm and his gut — sent him to the hospital for 8 days.

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Brutal Black animal Christopher Cowan has now been arrested for the attempted murder.

“My intestines were hanging out,” said Brenick, who was shouting for help as the suspect fled the scene.

“I believe he tried to kill me,” added Brenick.

Police say that suspect is Christopher Cowan, who can be seen on grainy surveillance video running away from the scene.

According to police, Cowan ran from the scene and stopped by an apartment complex, where he asked a man to use a phone.