Daily Slave
December 3, 2014

The third world American city of Detroit has suffered a widespread power outage causing all sorts of chaos.
Once this city became populated with a majority Black population and run by Blacks, it was transformed from one of the most modern cities in the world into a city that mirrors what you would see in Africa. Now just keeping the power on has become an on-going adventure.
Power is slowly being restored Tuesday afternoon after a widespread outage caused evacuations of buildings throughout the downtown, including Joe Louis Arena, Coleman A. Young Municipal Center, the Frank Murphy Hall of Justice, the Detroit Institute of Arts and some buildings at Wayne State University.
According to Detroit Press Office shortly before noon: “The city’s public lighting grid suffered a major cable failure that has caused the entire grid to lose power at approximately 10:30 this morning. The outage is affecting all customers on the PLD grid. We have isolated the issue and are working to restore power as soon as possible.”
What have Blacks done?
Detroit Then:
Detroit Now: