This Again? Alt-Right Now “Kremlin Propaganda” According to Jews

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
August 25, 2017

Glorious Soviet motherland will triumph over capitalist pigs!

America is awash with subversive elements trying to brainwash people into believing absurd lies, such as that the USSR collapsed decades ago or that the cold war is long over.

Don’t be deceived.

The Russian empire of evil is well alive today, and doing everything in its power to destroy America, one tweet at a time.

Don’t believe me?

Just look at your social media feed. It’s full of anti-American ideas, such as that White people have a right to exist or that maybe homos shouldn’t get married.

What more evidence could you possibly need?

USA Today:

Amid an investigation into Russian meddling in the last U.S. presidential election, a Russian propaganda Twitter network aimed at American audiences consistently spreads links to Breitbart and other right-wing or conspiracy theory websites that boost President Trump and bash Democrats.

The only way to protect your brain from those thought-control tweets? Tinfoil hats. Don’t forget about your cat!

The websites — which include True Pundit, the Gateway Pundit and Imperialist U — are regular features on the list of “Top Domains” pushed by a network of 600 Twitter accounts followed by the German Marshall Fund of the United States, which tracks a Russian disinformation and propaganda campaign focused on U.S. voters.

On Thursday, the most popular domains mentioned by the network in the previous 48 hours, according to the tracker, included True Pundit, the Russian government-controlled television network RT, the Gateway Pundit, Fox News, Russian government news agency Sputnik News and Breitbart.

The network’s main role is to amplify messages deemed to benefit the Kremlin, but that doesn’t mean the websites’ authors share the same goals, said Laura Rosenberger, director of the Alliance for Securing Democracy, which created the monitoring project for the fund.

The “Alliance for Securing Democracy?” What the hell is that?

Looks like a bunch of stand-up guys, right?

So it’s just some nut-job Jew Neocon think tank.

“Just being shared by Kremlin information operations does not mean they are part of the Kremlin’s disinformation operations,” Rosenberger said. “It just means something on these sites, or a lot of things on these sites, is either advancing a message the Kremlin is trying to push or that it is trying to discredit.”

Oh, so just because our sites are shared by so called “Kremlin twitter accounts” doesn’t necessarily mean we’re Russian agents? Thanks, Jews. How generous of you!

I have a sneaking suspicion that they completely made up this “Kremlin twitter conspiracy” being babbled about here, as Jews are wont to do. I mean, how nutty is that?

“This evil country who hates us is conspiring to promote websites supportive of our own elected leader on Twitter” sounds like the dumbest conspiracy theory I’ve ever heard. If you’re trying to destroy a country, don’t you normally support the opposition forces, rather than the current elected government?

“Alright gentlemen. The plan is to destroy our enemy, by promoting him on Twitter. All agreed?”

Of course, what they fail to say is that in their minds, the Jews are the legitimate government of America, while Trump (or at least, his agenda) is the opposition force threatening to unseat them.

This is another case of the Jew’s neurotic mind spilling over into the public sphere, causing confusion in everyone but the goyim who know.