Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 18, 2015

The fact is that non-Whites are much better off under White rule. In places like Mexico, where there still exists a pure-blooded Spanish ruling elite, no one would even think to question it.
The Jews who threw these communist revolutions in Africa and other colonies didn’t do it because they cared about the colored folk. They did it because they hate us, and wanted to use the colored folk to hurt us. The fact that the colored folk also got hurt doesn’t matter to them, and they presumably view that as a plus as well – they don’t hate Blacks as much as they hate us, but they still hate them.
There are two options for dealing with the lower races:
1.) We go in, control all their systems, and do our best to bring them up to a higher level
2.) We leave them alone and let them develop naturally to be what nature (and God, if you like) destined them to be.
Colonialism was the first option. It worked okay, until these Jewish revolutions.
In Asia, we were able to transfer control back to the locals, and places like Singapore and Hong Kong kept functioning and are now pretty nice places. Africa, obviously, descended into hell.
The UN and all these NGOs are involved in a mix of the two options, attempting to go in and guide their systems, while also denying them the right to form their own destinies by assuming that capitalism and consumerism are somehow the only possible course of human evolution. This has resulted in throwing money into a bottomless pit, and no positive outcome, because they refuse to do what the Christian colonizers did and directly guide the behavior of the natives.
In my view, and the view of any other person who is both intelligent and honest, the only option at this point is option 2, which is to cut these people loose. Return Africans to Africa, isolate them completely, and allow them to figure out their own civilization. Maybe in a million years from now, they will have developed into a race capable of dealing with modern civilization, and we can open up lines of communication. More likely, they will just stay in the jungle, doing what they’ve always done, as there are no natural obstacles in the environment which would force an evolution in the direction of higher IQ.