Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 9, 2015

In politics, when you apologize, it means you’ve lost.
Hillary Clinton believed she was above the law, to a degree that most high-level career criminals don’t believe they are above the law, when she ran a massive espionage operation against the United States.
Then she got caught and was like “I’m sorry, I don’t understand what you mean? I dindu nuffin.”
But people were all like “wait, what? You just admitted to all of these felonies and now you’re acting like you don’t even know what’s going on? What is this?”
So now, she has apologized. And basically, admitted defeat.
Hillary Clinton apologized for the first time on Tuesday for using a private email account during her time as Secretary of State, an admission that many Democrats have long waited for as a means to quell the controversy swirling around her campaign.
“That was a mistake. I’m sorry about that. I take responsibility and I’m trying to be as transparent as I can,” Clinton said in response to a question by ABC’s David Muir about her use of a private email account.
“Transparent as I can” after engaging in one of the most extreme acts of deceitful trickery I have ever even heard of.
Honestly guys. Look this up. No one puts private email servers in their bathrooms. Top internet drug dealers and these people on the silk road dark web whatever do not do this. This is an outrageously extreme act of an deranged, paranoid psychopath who had to be engaged in some type of monumental scandals to even think this was necessary.
But we’ll never know what was on the server, because she wiped it.
After it had been subpoenaed. Which is yet another felony.
Here is the relevant legal code for the state of New York:
Search N.Y. PEN. LAW § 215.40 : NY Code – Section 215.40: Tampering with physical evidence
A person is guilty of tampering with physical evidence when: 1. With intent that it be used or introduced in an official proceeding or a prospective official proceeding, he (a) knowingly makes, devises or prepares false physical evidence, or (b) produces or offers such evidence at such a proceeding knowing it to be false; or 2. Believing that certain physical evidence is about to be produced or used in an official proceeding or a prospective official proceeding, and intending to prevent such production or use, he suppresses it by any act of concealment, alteration or destruction, or by employing force, intimidation or deception against any person. Tampering with physical evidence is a class E felony.
To put this in a little context, other class E felonies in the state of New York include:
- Luring a child
- Rape in the third degree
- Female genital mutilation
- Cemetery desecration in the first degree
- Arson in the fourth degree
- Unlawful use of secret scientific material
- Use of a child to commit a controlled substance offense
- Unlawful disposal of methamphetamine laboratory material
- Promoting prostitution in a school zone
- Criminal anarchy
- Directing a laser at an aircraft in the first degree
- Possessing an obscene sexual performance by a child
- Money laundering in support of terrorism in the fourth degree
It is a serious felony class.
But obviously, as this was an issue of national security and the subpoena was issued by a House Select Committee, it would obviously be a much more serious crime than basic class E felonious concealment and destruction of evidence for the purpose of impeding a criminal investigation.
I don’t know, I’m not a lawyer.

We also know there was top secret satellite footage on this private server. Meaning she was engaged in espionage – stealing top secret information from the government and transferring it to a private server in the bathroom of your apartment is espionage.
I am not being histrionic here.
See here: 18 U.S. Code § 793 – Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
How is this woman not already in prison?
Oh right: The Jew media and the Cuckpublicans who refuse to press this issue.
No one is touching it.
Even Breitbart isn’t touching it. They wrote one article back in March with the headline “Did Hillary Clinton Destroy Subpeonaed Documents?”
Admittedly, back in March it hadn’t been confirmed that she had, but now it is open and publicly admitted that she did.
Hillary Rodham Clinton’s personal lawyer has told a Senate committee that emails and all other data stored on her computer server were erased before the device was turned over to federal authorities.
In a letter sent last week to Sen. Ron Johnson, the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, David Kendall said the server was transferred to the FBI on August 12 by Platte River Networks, a Denver firm hired by Clinton to oversee the device. Federal investigators requested custody of the server to learn whether the data stored on it was secure. The Senate committee made Kendall’s letter public on Tuesday.
Breitbart didn’t do a follow-up and while reporting “yeah, she wiped the server, this is a felony in the same class running hookers at a school.”
For the record, the closest thing to real coverage of this whole thing has been in the Daily Mail. For what that’s worth.
But back to Time magazine:
Clinton’s critics have accused her of using the private server to illegally send and receive classified emails, but the Democratic frontrunner has long insisted that she did nothing wrong and that no emails were classified at the time of sending. She and her aides have often pointed to government regulations they say permitted her to keep her own email address.
“Critics accuse her of it”?
No, kikes, it has already been admitted by the Federal government that she was keeping top secret North Korean satellite footage in private emails:
One of the most serious potential breaches of national security identified so far by the intelligence community inside Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private emails involves the relaying of classified information concerning the movement of North Korean nuclear assets, which was obtained from spy satellites.
Multiple intelligence sources who spoke to The Washington Times, solely on the condition of anonymity, said concerns about the movement of the North Korean information through Mrs. Clinton’s unsecured server are twofold.
The email in question was initially flagged by the inspector general of the intelligence community in July as potentially containing information derived from highly classified satellite and mapping system of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. That email was later confirmed to contain classified information by Freedom of Information Act officials within the intelligence community.
Is “critics accuse” a valid euphemism for “inspector general of the intelligence community says”?
Or is Time Magazine just openly lying, along with all of these other Jew news sources?
Clinton’s apology on Tuesday marks a significant change in tone for the Democratic frontrunner. While she has said before she accepts responsibility for using the server, she has repeatedly declined to apologize for it, telling the Associated Press as recently as Monday that hosting a server in her private home in Chappaqua, New York “was allowed.”
If she is really such a low-level retard that she believed keep top-secret Pentagon satellite footage on a server in her bathroom “was allowed,” she should be institutionalized.
But as honest Time Magazine tells us, the Republicans are really going after her.
Republicans quickly pounced on Clinton after a segment of her interview with ABC aired on Tuesday, despite her contrition. “Hillary Clinton’s reckless attempt to skirt government transparency laws put our national security at risk and shows she cannot be trusted in the White House,” said Republican National Committee spokeswoman Allison Moore.
Is this supposed to be some kind of a sick joke?
That is the Republican response?
Why not list off the felonies? Why not call for the appointment of a special prosecutor?
Unless all of American politics – and the media which covers it – is a gigantic jerk-off festival.
Come On, Someone Else Cover This
The media and GOP handling of this has been insane.
It is deplorable that I am the only person saying it. I don’t even like writing about mainstream politics, unless it is joke articles about Donald Trump.
But this has gotten out of control. Someone cover this. Infowars, at least – I mean, come on. All you have to do is link a couple of articles, and show that:
a.) This woman is involved in a massive criminal conspiracy evolving multiple felonies and espionage
b.) The media, the GOP and the Justice Department are involved in a criminal conspiracy to cover it up
This site gets a lot of hits, and I don’t mind people stealing my content or research – “research” in this context meaning reading less than twenty news articles, which when you bring them all together, explain the entire conspiracy.
You don’t have to be like “yeah, I got this from that NUMBER ONE WHITE SUPREMACIST WEBSITE IN AMERICA.”
Let’s just get this out there, people.
If for no other reason than that watching this woman go down is going to be hilarious.