“This is an Invasion”: Italians Torch Immigrant Beds

Daily Stormer
July 18, 2015

What type of sickening, evil human being would not want this scene on the streets of their home town?
What type of sickening, evil human being would not want this scene on the streets of their home town?

If you push people long enough…


Residents in a chic Rome suburb and a northern Italian village staged angry anti-immigrant protests on Friday, with villagers setting mattresses ablaze in a bid to stop authorities from housing migrants.

Authorities in the village of Quito plan to accommodate 101 immigrants in empty apartments, but several residents broke into one of the buildings, removed camp beds, mattresses and televisions intended for the newcomers and set them on fire outside.

The protesters then put up tents, with the Corriere della Sera newspaper quoting them as saying: “We aren’t going home until they leave — this is an invasion.”

Italy is currently hosting more than 80,000 migrants who have crossed the Mediterranean fleeing war, persecution or poverty in the Middle East and Africa. The arrivals include many Africans, particularly Eritreans, as well as Syrians.

Luca Zaia, the president of Italy’s northern Veneto region and a member of the anti-immigrant Northern League party, told Italian television he agreed with the protesters, and complained about the “Africanisation” of his own region.

“This is a declaration of war for those who don’t understand what it means to put (migrants) alongside families with young children,” he said.

It is definitely an invasion, and that needs to be the meme.

You’ll note that we push that meme.

It is easy and true.

Africans, for their part, had only one question for their Italian benefactors: